There’s a lovely article here about the shipping forecast, which features contributions from BBC Radio 4 friends Zeb Soanes and Kathy Clugston. Here’s a snippet;
“It’s part of the fabric of this intangible thing called Britishness,” says Soanes.
“Just like red telephone boxes, Wimbledon, the chimes of Big Ben, the smell of cut grass, scones and jam.”
And it is probably not something that would make it onto air in every country of the world.
“It is eccentric, though you only realise when people come from other countries – they are completely baffled by it,” says Clugston.
They mention the fact that the forecast made its way into the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony within a piece I wrote called ‘This is London’.
Here’s Zeb featured in that track along with Elspeth Hanson and the London Symphony Orchestra.