The Detroit: Become Human sheet music for Kara’s theme can be downloaded HERE. Password is LittleOne
We have flute, clarinet, guitar, violin, cello, piano, or any combination of the above! We do not have other scores available from Detroit: Become Human at this time.
If other friends would like copies, please direct them to this page too.
There’s no charge for this, but if you want to look at my other albums you’ll find them here, and there are lots of resources about the soundtrack here.
Thanks for your amazing support!
Philip Sheppard – Composer – Kara – Playstation/ Quantic Dream Soundtrack Detroit: Become Human

OOOOOH Sheet music for Detroit!
“If that’s the case, and we’ll soon be living with walking-and-talking Artificial Intelligence: fuck our lives. But still, if our lives must be fucked, then please can we have Philip Sheppard’s beautiful compositions playing in the background – all the cellos moving in wonder together as the final sequence of our life plays out in slow motion like a scene from a science fiction film. That’s a dark image, sure. If we’re going to go out that way though, then that’s the way I want to go.” – Noisey / Vice Music Review
I am super excited to play this! Can I have the sheet music for piano? Very nice job Mr Sheppard and I look forward to see your future projects.
Yes!! On its way. Than you so much for liking it
Hey Phillip! I love your music for the Detroit Become Human game. I’d love to have the sheet music for Detroit for Flute and Piano!
Thank you!
Hello! I would love to have sheet music for flute. 🙂
Hey I was wondering if you still have sheet music for Kara’s theme for flute
Thank you!
J’aimerais avoir la partition piano de Detroit become human. Merci pour votre arrangement!
Could I possibly have a copy for the guitar and piano?
Can I please have the sheet music for the flute! Thank you☺️
I love your pieces , piano sheet music please
I love your pieces , piano sheet music please…
Hi! I really loved all of the music in the game, but especially Kara’s!
Could I get the sheet music for Kara’s theme for cello and violin?
Thank you!
Hi Philip may I please have the sheet music for piano? Thank you so much!
Hi Philip! I just discovered this, I know it’s late but can I please have the piano pdf for it! I would really love to learn it and absolutely have fallen in love with this piece
Hello! Is it still possible to get a copy for the cello? I’m in love with the soundtrack!
Hi Philip, could I please have a piano sheet.
Hello Mr. Sheppard! your music is very wonderful and I’d like to request the sheet music for the cello please
Hi, could I get the sheet music for piano? Thanks for being so open with it. Love the game and love the music!
I, too would like a copy of the music for a student. Thanks!
Hey Philip! I love this piece and could listen to it for hours on end! Could I possibly have the sheet music for Viola? Would love to try and play this masterpiece!
Hey! I’d like to double the comment above, as pretty much everything I was going to say is there.
There is hardly any Viola sheet music for video game tracks outside of the fan made, so being able to request official sheet music is absolutely amazing! Thank you!
Hi Philip. I recently had my first play through of Detroit, I can’t wait to see the other endings but before that I need to get my hands on the music. From personal experience this is the only game that has made me cry in a very long time and that means the world to me. It would mean be really appreciated if you could send me a copy for piano, violin, and cello. Thank you once again for a feeling I haven’t had in a long time.
I’d love the sheets for piano please.
I think it’d deserve an award. I wonder why there are none whereas the film industry has tons of them.
I thought that Kara’s theme was the most memorable out of all. I’d appreciate it if you send me the violin sheets.
Thanks in advance
Hello! I’d love a copy for violin and piano, as well as violin and cello if possible. Thank you!
i was searching for this song, could you pass me the music sheet for violin? i will thank you a lot (Sorry if my english isnt perfect, is not my birth lenguage)
Hey Philip, could I get the violin & piano sheet music for this? Great job on the soundtrack for the game!
I love it! Could you send me a cello copy? It would be much appreciated as this song sounds like a blast to play
Hello! Can I have the sheet music for violin? This song is so pretty, I can’t wait to learn to play it!
Hello! I really love this masterpiece! May I please have sheet music for cello?
Thank you!
Hi, I really want to learn how to play this on the viola (im pretty terrible right now)
Hi! The themes for this soundtrack have me connected to it, as a cellist who is still learning I would love to practice this music. Some cello sheets would be great!
Your music is absolutely amazing it’s insparafional and I’ve started to compose myself but I’m order to get a feel for the type of music I want to compose I would really appreciate a violin and piano version of the sheet music 🙂 of course I wouldnt steel you’re ideas or something it’s just my favourite piece and I want to annotate and learn to play it with my musical partner 🙂
Hello Mr. Sheppard. I fell in love with Kara’s and Connor’s theme. Can I have the sheet music for violin please (Kara’s theme). Thank you and I really appreciate your work.
Hello Mr. Sheppard,
I have been looking for new music to play for a long time, and have finally found inspiration in your amazing work when playing Detroit! I would appreciate it if you could send me your sheet music for piano. Thank you!
Hey Phillip! I’ve wanted to play this song since I started playing Detroit: Become Human. It was an incredible song. I would like the violin version of the song please. Thank you.
I am super excited to play this! Can I have the sheet music for cello? Very nice job Mr Sheppard and I look forward to see your future projects.
Hi, may I have the sheet music for violin? I love Kara’s, Alice,s and Luther’s stories, and the way you composed their soundtracks is beautiful. Have a wonderful day, Mr. Sheppard!
Hi Philip, I’m a huge fan of Detroit and a fan of your music, would you mind sending a Violin copy of the sheet music to me?
Thank you,
Hi! Would it be possible to get a viola copy of the sheet music? It doesn’t seem to have been done yet, so if that’s unnavailable, could I, by any chance; receive a copy of the music in violin? Thank you for your hard work!
Hi! I’d love a copy of this music for piano and acoustic guitar if you have it please! Thank you so much!
Hi! I’d love a copy of this music for piano and acoustic guitar if you have it please! Thank you so much!!
Hi I was wondering If I can get the sheet music for the violin. I really enjoyed this song.
Hi! I was wondering if I could get the sheet music for violin. I really enjoyed this song and would be great if I could play it!
I’d like to play it on piano
HI, can i have a piano sheet for this? Thank you so much!
Could I have the sheet music for both Violin and Flute
hello i’d love to have the sheet of music on the flute thanks
Hi! I really loved all of the music you did for Detroit Become Human. It would be wonderful to have the sheet music for Kara’s Theme for cello and violin!
Thank you!
Whoa I really love your music! The clarity in the mix and composition is soooooo fascinating!! The piano the string intro, the synths are just brilliant. As a composers I’d dream to ask for individual tracks for study and remix but well it’s too much to ask xD Anyway I’ m just very happy to have listened to it and I admire your generosity in providing everyone with sheetmusic. Keep up the good work and I’ll always be a fan!
Hi I would absolutely love the violin part for Kara’s theme. Thanks
If I could get the sheet music for piano, that would be spectacular.
Also, great job on the score!
This theme is truly so amazing and beautiful, really a masterpiece. Since my sister and I always get extremely emotional when listening to this, we would love to play this together. Therefore we would like to have the sheet music for Violin, Cello and Piano, please, if that is possible.
Thank you very much!!!
Oh my goodness, I am beyond excited for this! May I please have flute & piano sheet music? Thank you so so much for creating such beautiful work!!
This piece is absolutely beautiful well done Mr.shepperd if I could get this piece of art on violin that would be great.
I am in love with the soundtrack! I was wondering if I could have a cello copy of the music? Thanks a ton!
Hi! I watched a playthrough of Detroit and have watched pretty much every single video on Detroit – the soundtrack was one of my favourite parts of the game. It would be really cool if you could send me the flute sheet music! Thanks in advance!
me and my sister can’t wait to play this! can i have the sheet music for piano and violin please?
thank you!
Hi! It’d be great to have the guitar sheet music, just for personal learning purposes. Great job on the soundtrack, by the way
Hi there. Thank you so much for your work. I would like the piano score please. Appreciate what you do.
I really enjoyed Detroit: Become Human. I listen to Kara’s main theme a lot. I was hoping i can get a violin sheet music for it. thank you.
Sheet music fpr the cello please! Also, i ADORE your music, it really makes my day every time you publish a new song!
I want this in a Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola ( ME ), Cello, and String Bass!! I love Kara’s story!!!!!
I would like this in violin please. Amazing song. Thank you.
I loved the playing I saw on youtube and I thought that it would really test my skills on my flute and I was craving to know how to get the sheet music to Kara’s Theme so I searched it up and here I am. Please can I get it for flute and in a piano score over the next few weeks (four or five) so I can play it to my flute teacher when I get back from my summer holidays.
Hi, I loved the soundtrack of Detriot: Become human, which contributed so much to the game which most would overlook. Because of that, I was wondering if I could have the sheet music for Detroit for Piano.
Hello Mr Sheppard!
Loved your sountrack sooo much, it’s fust so incredibly touching and fit for Kara and Alice’s story. If it’s still possible, I’d love to have a copy for piano, thank you ever so much!
Ahhhh I’ve been absolutely obsessed with this theme it’s absolutely stunning
I would greatly appreciate a violin copy!
This is.
Could i get a.
copy of the.
VIOLIN version,
Would you please send a piano sheet for me. I really love this piece. Thanks Phillip
It is so kind of you for giving out sheet music for free. I love your music in the game, it really set the mood and made me feel for the characters. you did an amazing job! May i please get the violin and the cello part? Would love to play it for my small ensemble! Thank you in advance
I’ve been in love with D:BH and I was wondering if I could get a violin version of this. Also, is there a place to get a Connors theme on the violin? Thanks!
May I please have a copy for piano, cello and piano, as well as piano and violin?
This was some of the best music I’ve ever heard in a video game. I’d like to one day become a composer for this kind of stuff, and I was wondering if you have any tips for someone just starting out.
Hello, i just love the game and the whole soundtrack. I’d really appreciate it for piano to play it myself. Thank you and great work!
Could I have the sheet music for the violin? I love this theme so much!!
Thank you!
Could I also get the sheet music for the piano as well? I haven’t played in a while but it sounds so beautiful!
Thnk you!
May I have the violin one please?
This is such a truly beautiful piece and I would love to play it. Is it still possible to get the sheet music for flute? Thanks.
Hi can I please get a copy of the cello part? Thanks!
I will like the cello sheet of music for Detroit becomes human
hi! i loved the detroit sound track ! can you please send me the sheets for piano and violin
I would like the sheet music for the flute, thanks.
Love this! May I please have a music sheet for violin? I’m really looking forward to learning this
Hey Philip. I love this beautiful piece of artwork you created and I was wondering if I could have the music for Piano, Violin and guitar. I was also hoping you could make a wonderful tenor saxophone part. it would be amazing if you could. And I truly love this game. Thanks
I spent hours playing this music. I love it !
Piano: Great music! I’d like to have your original scores.
Hello, could I have the cello and piano sheet music?
Hey I really would appreciate it if you could send me the theme for flute.
I understand if it’s too late.
Hello, I would love to receive a full orchestral score if at all possible, and if not then a piano reduction would be superb. I’m studying composition and would be very keen to get into Kara’s theme! Beautiful work.
Your pieces are absolutely amazing! May I have a copy for the clarinet? Thank you!
Hello! I loved the music for the Kara’s Theme – The Music of Detroit Become Human
Is there a way to have the sheet music for cello and piano?
hi! i loved kara’s theme in the game and was wondering if i could have the violin, cello, guitar, and piano parts? thank you!
Hi please can I have the music for the violin. Thanks a lot
Hi! I really love this work of music. I think it’s one of the best pieces the video game industry has ever produced,a dn I’d love to play it on the violin. It’d be such an honor getting the sheet music from the composer himself. 🙂
Could I have the sheet music for violin?
I am a beginner but this is my favourite song and I want to try it.
Could i please get the sheet music for clarinet,guitar,piano,bass,cello and violin Please?
Thanks for doing this! Could you send me the piano sheet music please. Thanks!
Hello :p i am excited to play this and was wondering if i could get a pdf copy for clarinet?
I absolutely love and enjoy your music. Could I have a copy for cello, I absolutely cannot wait to play this.
Thank you for sharing your music.
Very inspiring
Hello! I really enjoyed listening to these pieces, how can I acquire a violin rendition of Kara’s theme, or the song “Not just a Machine”?
Hello, I was wondering if I may please have the Sheet music for Piano, please? I would really like to learn this song
Thank you for offering this for free I am very excited to play this in the piano!
Hi! I’d like to request the piano sheet music to the intro, kara’s theme, as well as all of markus’ piano selections when he plays the piano please. Your music is incredibly inspiring. Thank you!
Could I have Kara’s Theme for violin?
This is late, but could I have the violin sheet music?
Hi! I really love this song and the work you did with Kara’s soundtrack overall is AMAZING! Could I have the sheet music for Cello pretty please? 😀
You bet!! Thanks Philip
Flute please! Rusty, but will give it a go.
Ha yes!! On its way soon
I am super excited to learn this! My favourite theme from what is an absolutely amazing score. Can I have the sheet music for Cello and Piano please? 🙂
FOR SURE. Best instrument huh?!!
Haha, it sure is! 🙂
I bought a cello about 9 months ago; slow progress but I’m getting there (I think). I’ll be playing the piano arrangement in the mean time. Thanks again Philip.
Thank you so much!! Could I have the sheets for Violin and Piano?
Thanks again,
YES!! Thanks for liking it!
May I please recieve the piano sheet music aswell? I wish to play it for my piano class for my midterm.
Thank You.
Hey I would like a copy for Violin pls. Loved your work on Detroit Become Human!
Thanks Brandon – we will get it to you asap!!
Hi! I would love a copy of this amazing theme for the best instrument (the cello of course) thank you!
The Cello Rules!! Therefore OF COURSE YOU CAN 😉
Thank you so much for doing this Philip Can I get piano versions please?
Tina… it’s being prepared for you now 😉
Could I have the sheet music for piano please?
YES! I’ve even put dynamics in… eeek
I love this theme.!!!And all Kara‘s music are very beautiful! Could I get a piano version please?
Hello would you mind sending me a copy of the piano sheet? I really love this piece, simple yet touching. Thanks
Hello Phillip!! Thank you so much for this amazing score! I would love to have this sheet music for the violin and piano if you have it! Thank you!!
A wonderful evening Mr. Sheppard,
I’m a giant fan of Quantic Dream since the very beginning. When Detroit was unveiled back in 2015 I absolutely adored the teaser trailer and its music. So much in fact I asked a developer and he shared with me that the track Wind Storm was used and I immediately headed over to Audio Network which Quantic is known to use to go get it! Since then I was a fan and the announcement that you would compose the soundtrack for Kara filled me and my friends who are also fans with absolute joy.
Safe to say you absolutely delivered with exactly the amazing style I expected to create a fantastic and moving score. So many memorable tracks in this.
That’s why I take whatever sheet music you have for the piano 😀
Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work! I will check out your other albums soon as well.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Your music makes me happy every time I listen to it. So could you please send me the sheet music for piano to make me happier?
That music is very beautiful! Every cellist is thankful to you for this wonderful work! (Could I have the sheets for Cello and Piano?)
Absolutely beautiful music Philip, I can’t imagine playing Detroit without your music as a part of it. Would it be possible to get the sheet music for cello? All the love and support to you!
Love your music 😀 Could I have the sheet music for piano please?
Thank you tons! Cello and piano please! Such good music, you rock!
Kara’s theme is amasing.
Could I have the sheets for guitar?
I forgot to ask in my previous comment but is a Viola copy of the sheet music possible? If so then I’ll have a copy of that also
Hello Philip! Am still so happy to see that this music is available to the general public for free! Such a kind thing of you to do. It’s such a beautiful piece too. 🙂
Would appreciate having the sheet music for piano please! Thank you so much, and have a great day!
Hello! Could I please have piano and possibly bassoon if you have it?
Thank you so much!
Thanks again!
Piano sheet music please. :33
Thank you >.< love this theme a lot.
This is by far my favorite track from DBH!
Can I have the sheet for piano, please? I learned accordion back in school, so my note reading skill isn’t that good anymore but I really want to try it!
I am very excited to play this and I am looking forward to seeing your future work Mr Sheppard!
May I get a copy for piano and clarinet please?
Thank you for this soundtrack! 😀 Can i have the sheet music for guitar, piano and violin? and if I may ask, there are any combination between them?
Thank you again 🙂
on their way! and yes… the piano acts as accompaniment to others!!
Email arrived and files downloaded! 🙂 Thank you, thanks to Kaito Irizarry, and thank you for the extra track! Have a nice day!
Hello! If possible, could I get a copy of both the guitar and the piano please? Thank you so much for doing this it’s so exciting being able to learn this!
You are welcome caroline – both on their way 😉
Hi! could you provide me with the sheet music for piano ? Please I don’t think i will get my coment answered
Dear Sheppard,
I have to say thank you for this music work. DBH Kara’s part is a masterpiece. I love it, I hear it everywhere. And together with Odesza, unique.
Thanks so much!! Here’s a fun show I helped produce with Odesza;
Love your work! Can I have music for clarinet please! Deperate to play it. Fully respect what you’re doing 🙂
For sure! There’s a Bb version on its way… 😉
Can I get a sheet for violin please?
I am very happy for this what you doing for your fans!
Thanks Daniel! On its way..
thanks for offering this opportunity!
I would like to get the sheet music for piano and/or guitar if possible.
Thank you very much in advance and greetings from germany
I am so fond of detroit soundtrack and more particularly kara’s.
Can i please get a sheet for piano and guitare of Detroit soundtrack? Hope to hear your beautiful pieces very soon.
Thank you!
Piano please. Thank you
Hello! Can i get a sheet for piano?
Can I get a sheet for guitar please?
Thank you so much!
Piano and flute please 🙂 Thank you for your music, Kara’s theme is a masterpiece
Hello! I like Kara’s theme sooooo much! Also I’m absolutely happy you decided to give it to us, your fans! So, I’d like to get copies for piano and for guitar. Thanks so much, again! 😀
Hello from Russia! Can you send sheet music for piano, please? Thaks!
Thanks for your music! I really want to learn this one theme. Please send me a copy for the piano. Thanks in advance
Hello! I’m so glad that I played Detroit: Become Human because it introduced me to you! I LOVE the pieces made for Kara and I think it really added a lot to the story. You make me regret picking up the violin before the cello. There’s so many other pieces I would love to hear live or be able to play like Fly On Foot and a couple others. I love Kara’s Theme the most though. Could I have violin, cello, and piano sheet music for it? I’ve been playing the violin for a while now and I’m starting to get into piano and cello.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful and touching music! Can I get a sheet for a piano and guitar (if it is possible)?
Hey Philip, Kara’s theme is amazing! Can I get the sheet music for flute and piano?
Dear Philip,
I’d love the sheep music for piano as well.
I enjoyed the game and it certainly wouldn’t be the same without your touching score (I’ll shamelessly admit I enjoyed Kara’s the most off the three). You’re an awesome inspiration, thank you very much for all the great music you’ve been making!
PS – Although having tit for all the available instruments would certainly be invaluable to study as well. If it is not too much to ask.
I’d like the cello part for Kara’s theme! Thank youu. This is so amazing and I love the music. I’ve been listening nonstop since I found it on itunes
Hi, I’d love to get one for the guitar,, please 🙂 Want to play it so bad
Hey ! Not sure whether I sent the message a few minutes ago or not, because I can’t find it now. Can I get the sheet music for the guitar?
Hey, Love the music in the game. Could I get the sheet music for piano?
Dear Mr Sheppard! Thank you so much for this amazing soundtrack! I really love it Could I have the sheet music for guitar please?
Kara’s Theme is without a doubt my favourite out of the Detroit: Become Human Soundtrack. So warm and emotional.
Would be so grateful if I could get the sheet music for Piano.
Also do you plan on publishing a full orchestral score someday?
Thanks and keep up the amzing work!
Is there any chance I can get a part for euphonium, tuba, and trombone?
I’d like to play this amazing sound track, but I need a sheet for piano. I’m waiting for it — and thank you for unforgettable music!
Hey I really love all of your songs from Detroit Become Human. They are really touching. I want to try practice them in Piano Notes 🙂
Hello! My and me friends liked Kara’s soundtrack. We would like to have the sheet music and play it on 4 cellos. With thanks from Russia. Thank you for the wonderful music.!
This is amazing!! Much appreciation to you guys for doing this!! Would it be possible for me to get one for the piano? Is there a version for marimba or xylophone?
Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece with us! I’m especially in love with Kara’s soundtracks (meaning to say every song you did for DBH). I’d love to have the pieces of this song in piano, violin and the cello!
Thank you so much for doing this!
Could I get the sheet music for the guitar and piano please?
Just wanted to say you have created something truly spectacular and beautiful! Would it be possible to get the sheet music in piano, violin and cello? Thanks!
Hi! Love the DBH soundtrack. Kara’s Theme is beautiful. Could I please have the piano and flute sheet music? Thank you so much!
Could I have the arrangement for flute, please? Your hauntingly beautiful score gave me an instant connection with Kara. Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi !
I really, really, like the music you have produced for Detroit, and I would like to practice it during this summer ! Can I have the piano sheet please ? 🙂
Enjoy the day and stay awesome !
Thank you for your beautiful music on Detroit: Become Human !
Could I have the sheet music for clarinet, please ?
Thanks again, from a french fan !
Thank you so much for being a part of the wonderful DBH soundtrack. Now I should definitely check your other albums.
Could I please have the sheet music for piano? I´d love to learn how to play it. 🙂
By the way, have a nice day!
I am so excited right now can I please get it for guitar
I am super excited! Thank you so much for sharing this sheet music with us! 😀
Sorry! I forgot to write down my request! Could I please have the sheet music for piano? Thank you so much! By the way, my favorite is “Dark Night” The intensity!!! so good! 😀
I love this entire soundtrack!!! Kara’s theme is so powerful and so beautiful. I would love to have access to the sheet music for the violin!!! Thank you so much!
The most beautiful part of this entire game was the soundtrack and your composition of Kara’s theme really stood out among the rest of the music. It was so emotional and contained so many layers! I would love to have the violin part of Kara’s theme! Much appreciated!
Would love the violin and the piano sheet music! Such beautiful piece of music.
Not sure if this was sent earlier since I can’t find it…But the Violin and the Piano please! Thanks.
Hello! 🙂
I love, love, love Kara’s soundtrack for Detroit: Become Human. Can I please get the sheet music for piano?
Love from Australia/New Zealand. <3
Hello, dear Philip!
Thank you for being the producer of Kara music,
This the best soundtrack i could ever hear from that game. Thank you so much for writing a post about notes on twitter.
I would like to have the sheet music and play it on the piano and guitar please, I look forward to see your future projects and I appreciate your work in which you spend a lot of time.
Again thank you very much!
Hey, I really love your music. I was wondering if you could send the sheet music for violin. I would really love to show my skills to everyone in the orchestra. Thanks in advance! – AllisonAngel (On Twitch)
Hi Mr, Sheppard, I absolutely adore your music, especially for Detroit: Become Human. I would love if I could get the piano music sheet for Kara’s theme, please. Thanks very much!
It’s so cool of you to do this! Could I get the sheets for guitar and piano please?
Loved the music you did for D:BH, and have a lovely day~!
Hello, could I have the sheet music for Kara’s theme for solo piano and solo violin
Hi Philip,
I’ve been listening to Kara’s theme a lot since the game came out. I love how it starts off sounding kind of robotic but it ends in just pure emotion. You did an amazing job on her music! It perfectly captured who she was and what she stands for.
I would love to play it with my dad. I play the violin and he plays the piano.
Thank you so much for giving these to us.
Thanks in advance and keep up this work!
Would love the sheet music for piano. Kara’s Theme is my favourite of the three.
I play marimba (four mallets). I’d like whichever sheet music would translate best to that… maybe piano? Thank you!
I absolutely adore your compositions for this game, in particular Dark Night! I can’t wait to delve more into your other work. In the meantime, could I get the sheet music for violin, cello and piano?
This is amazing! I really love Kara’s theme and would appreciate it if I can get the sheet music for Piano please. Thank you so much!
Hello Mr. Shepard,
I honestly cannot believe that all I have to do is comment for music for Kara’s Theme. I truly love your work in Detroit: Become Human and am really looking forward to looking into your other projects.
I would love sheet music for both the cello and piano. I am a cellist so I would love to play your piece on cello, and the piano score because I am currently studying composition and would love to analyze your music.
I’d love to talk to you more about music if you’re able to!
Hi, Philip! I had such a fantastic time talking with you! I’d love a piano version of Kara’s theme. Thanks so much!
Hi! Thank you for creating this amazing soundtrack! Can I have the sheet music for violin, piano, and guitar? Thank you very much in advance! 🙂
Heyo! I’d like a copy of the sheet music for piano and a separate copy for guitar if that’s possible. Thank you so much for making this public, I really appreciate it!!
This piece is so beautifully crafted! I’ve always wanted to play it on piano, and I would love the piano score. Thank you so much, and I wish you a good rest of your day!
I loved the entire soundtrack to this game; I’d love to get this for piano pls!
I would love the piano score for the masterfully created piece! I love your music and I really appreciate you doing this for us! Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Hi Mr, Sheppard, I absolutely adore your music, especially for Detroit: Become Human. I would love if I could get the piano music sheet for Kara’s theme, please. Thanks very much!
Hello! Posted a comment a while ago, I don’t think it went through. Could I please have the sheet music for guitar and piano? Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate you putting these out there, such a great thing to do as a composer! Thank’s again, have a lovely day!
Could I have one for a violin? Thank you
And the music does a great job in conveying a sad and morbid mood by the way
Musicians who give notations of their music are amazing, therefore you are amazing! I am requesting the sheets for baritone horn, piano and/or bass guitar (It’s alright if they are uncombined). Thanks and cheers~
Hi, I really love the dbh soundtrack, it’s helped keep me inspired to keep learning the violin, which I’m only just starting to learn. It’ll probably be a while before I can play it properly, but could you send me a copy of Kara’s theme for violin please? Thank you : )
Oh man, I’ve been ready for this since the first time i heard Kara’s theme in game. I would love a copy for Cello and Piano please, Thank you so much!
Greetings Me Sheppard. I was touched emotionally when the 1st time I’ve heard “Kara Theme”… The orchestra feel flows into your blood and this amazing feeling is undescribable, especially when hearing the Cello part, so much feels. And yes no doubt “The Little One” is also very bitter sweet… Indirectly reflecting Kara’s bonding with Alice… The entiy journey of Kara is truly amazing once you’ve added her theme song… You’re really are amazing and inspiring for me!
I would love to have copies for Piano and Cello (I would like to have violin too but I’m afraid I’m asking too much, apologise) they really light up my spirit… Truly I would like to say thank you Mr Phillip, you’re such an amazing musician.
Greetings, Mr Sheppard.
I would like to say that I got touched for the 1st time when I’ve heard “Kara Theme” from DBH… It really indirectly describes on the flow of Kara’s adventure… The music is really captivating and strongly incooperated with emotion… and “The Little One” has also reflects well on how Kara’s bonding with Alice and Luther along their hardship… It really filled with bitter sweet feels…
I would like to have copies for Piano and Cello (and if violin if I am not asking much, apologize…), They’ll be great if I’m able to play one of your masterpiece… I’m really inspired by you the great musician!
I absolutely loved the soundtrack for Detroit. And Kara’s Theme is so beautiful. I would be very grateful for a copy of the piano score. Thank you so much for the kind offer
I think I’ve wrote twice yet I don’t think my comments popped up… Anyways Mr Sheppard you are a great composer and musician… I got touched by hearing “Kara Theme” and “The Little One” in DBH, that emotional flow really brought out its bitter sweet feels on Kara’s journey… I would like to ask for Cello, Piano, and violin, if I could learn at least play with one of the instruments… I’ll be super happy! Thanks again Mr Sheppard, you’re truly an inspiration for me… all is well.
Hello 😀 I immediately fell in love with this soundtrack ! I’d love to have the sheets for cello and piano so I can play it <3 Keep up the great work !!!
Hello there,
Could i have the sheet for Kara’s Theme for the guitar and piano please?
Thanks a lot in advance! 🙂
Hello! I absolutely adored the music you composed for Detroit: Become Human and have now been looking into your other works as well which still never fails to leave me in awe.
All in all, I would love to have the music sheets for the violin please! Thank you so much in advance!
I keep listening to the Detroit Soundtrack over and over again especially to the ones for Kara, just because they’re absolute beautiful. Will there be a French Horn Version in the Future? I absolutel want to play the music.
Dear Hannah – I’ll make one specially for you! Leave it with me 😉
many thanks Philip
Thank you so much for offering sheet music for Kara’s Theme! May I get the PDFs for flute, clarinet, and piano?
Kara’s theme is my favorite! Thank you so much for offering the music sheet! May I have one for the Viola and Cello? Once again, thank you so much!
This is amazing…Could I have the sheets for Violin and Piano? Thank you.
Hello! The music you composed for the game is great! Could I have the flute and piano sheets please. Thank you!
Thanks for sharing! I would love to try this out on piano!
Hi can I have the sheet music for piano. Is it possible to get sheet music for ukulele in tabs? If not guitar is cool too. Thanks, this is awesome 🙂
Hi, I was wondering if I would be able to get a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Clarinet.
Thanks, and amazing work on the soundtrack it sounds incredible and is one of my favorite by far.
Your composition for Kara’s theme is spectacular! As soon as the cello started playing, I knew I had to find the sheet music. It really got to me. I’d love to have the cello sheet music. Thank you so much, Mr. Sheppard, and I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂
Kara’s theme was my favorite! When I heard it for the first time I knew I had to play it.
Is it available for viola? If not, I’d like to have the violin sheet music please!
Thank you so much!
Mr. Sheppard,
I enjoy your music from Detroit Become Human so much! I can’t wait to play these amazing pieces with my own hands(If i can.) All of your works just resemble the characters so much and makes me emotional every single time i listen to it. I can’t get enough of it!
I’d like the sheet music for Detroit for the piano and the flute, if that’s okay.
Thank you so much for creating such great tunes and I’m excited to hear more music created by you!
I don’t think my comment was posted at all. :’) Kara’s theme was my favorite track from the entire soundtrack due to the cello in the beginning. I knew I had to get the sheet music. I’d love to have the sheet music for the cello. Thank you so much, Mr. Sheppard!
Kara’s theme is my favorite soundtrack, I really liked how your composition making the game better. It’s a wonderful experience! Can I have the sheet music for piano? Thank you!
I adore this song. It sounds so simple yet so full of emotion that describing the feelings it creates would be more than difficult.
Having said that, could I request the piano sheet for this song? I would love to learn how to play it.
Thank you in advance.
I loved Kara’s theme, it’s one of my favorites in the soundtrack. It really does match her perfectly and I’d love to learn it on piano. Thank you so much for giving the sheets out for free.
I’m in love with the Detroit become human music, every time I hear it I just get lost in the sounds and all my troubles disappear
. I have been looking for the music sheets for a while and I’m so glad I’ve found you.
Could I please have the music sheets for violin?
This music has brought back my love for the violin which I thought had vanished.
Thank you so much.
Could i have the sheet music (PDF) for Kara’s Theme for the guitar and piano please?
Thank you 🙂
Hello, thank you so much for the hard work, it’s amazing! Could I please get the sheet music for violin and piano? And maybe guitar? Thank you so much, I can’t wait to be able to play it!
Hey! I love your music so much. Kara’s theme is amazing and I would love if I could get the sheet music for Piano?
It’s an amazing piece and I would love to learn to play it.
Great music!
Can I have the music sheets for violin please
Thank you!
I’m not sure if my other comment posted;
I was wondering if I could have a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Clarinet.
On its way!! best wishes Philip
Thank you for composing the soundtrack for Detroit! I love it so much.
I would like music for flute or piano. 😀
I would love this for piano and violin! I love the soundtrack for this game and listen to it all the time lately. I’m just learning violin but maybe someday I’ll be able to work up to playing this!
Hi Philip! Detroit: Become Human is an amazing game and Kara Theme is my favorite in the OST. May I have a copy of it for piano?
Thank you!
Hey! I love Kara’s theme so much! Could I get the sheets for my piano?
Thank you!
You have made very great music and I enjoy it very much!
I would like sheet music for violin, cello, guitar, and piano if you can please.
Keep on composing great music!
I’m absolutely in love with this beautiful soundtrack. I’d love the sheet music for violin so I can learn it. Thank you!
Hi this theme is amazing – keep up the great work! Could I have this for piano? So great you are giving these 🙂
Hello! I absolutely love the music you composed for Kara’s theme in Detroit : Become Human. It actually was what inspired me to get into learning string instruments. I would love to have the sheet music for the piano, violin, cello and guitar please!
Hello, thank you for this awesome score. It fits the scenes perfectly. It also pushed Kara to the top of the three story lines.
May I get a copy for cello and piano?
Best regards from Austria.
Hi Philip! I love your music, especially your DBH work. I was wondering if I can have Kara’s Theme Cello sheet music? Thank You!
Not sure if my other comments posted…
I love Kara’s theme so much. Could I have the sheets for piano please?
Greetings from Germany
Thank you
Hello! Im from Russia and I love this music very much!
Could I have the sheets for piano, please?
Thank you!
Hi Philip, really impressed by your work. <3
Can I have the sheets for piano? Thank you!
Love Kara’s Theme so much, I’m constantly humming it. Could I possibly have the sheet music for violin and guitar?
Thanks so much!
Beautiful music for the amazing game! Can I get Kara’s theme sheet music for violin? It’ll be very pleased for me. Thank you!
Best regards from Russia.
This is one of the best pieces of music I’ve ever heard, and it fits the character perfectly. I’d much appreciate if you gave me sheet music for the cello and piano as I would love to play it.
Many thanks.
This is one of the greatest pieces of music that I’ve ever heard as it fits with the character’s personality beautifully. I would much appreciate it if you could give me the music for cello and piano.
Many thanks.
Hello! You have no idea how happy I am to find this!! I started learning violin this year BECAUSE I love Game soundtracks so much. Sadly I found out many game/movie scores are destroyed or never revealed to the public. This will definitely keep me motivated to study violin! Could you please send me a PDF? Thank you so much in advance!
Could I possibly get the sheet music for both Cello and Piano, please?
Hi Philip,
I’m really like ur work so much!
Could I get the sheets for piano and cello, please?
Best regards from Taiwan.
I was amazed by the soundtrack in Detroit and was hoping I could obtain the sheet music to learn some of these songs myself. Could I please get the sheet music for violin? Additionally, where could I get a hold of some of the other songs in the game like the main theme and Connors’s theme also for the violin?
Thank you,
Azion White
The theme fits with Kara’s story well, could I get the sheet music for violin? Thanks in advance.
Hello ! I just love that theme ; I think I’ll never get tired of listening to it, it’s so beautiful and well done.
Can I get the sheet music for piano and flute, please ? I would love to do a cover with a friend of mine !
Have a nice day/night!
This theme is fantastic. I’d be happy to get sheet music for piano please)
hiya! this music blows me away – could i have the music for violin please?
thanks 🙂
Omg, I love this music. Could I get the sheet for piano?
Hello !
Through out my Detroit experience I found Kara’s theme to be the most emotional of the three and loved hearing it coupled with the game play. It would be super to get the sheet music for cello please, thank you in advance !
Thank you so much for this, I would like the piano and violin sheet music.
Thank you again.
The music and the game work work together seamlessly. May I have the sheet music for piano please?
This theme is soooo incredible! Can i get the sheet music for piano and guitar? Thanks!
Hi! This song is great and seems so fun to play, do you think can I can get the sheet music for cello? Thank you!
Loving the soundtrack for Detroit: becoming Human. I would love to get the pdf of the score for piano. Keep up the amazing work!
Hey Philip,
Hey Philip, my name is Phillip. I have been playing the piano for 7 years now and just stumbled upon one of the many songs that I would like to play. If I could get a copy of this music for piano that would be great!
Hello! I absolutely love this piece. Could you send me the sheet music for violin and piano? Thank you!
Hello Sr.Sheppard
First of all i want to really thank you for this great masterpiece of music that you created, it just fullfill kara character and delight my ears, right now im planning to interpretate your score with a full range, we have a team of 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 bass and a percussion boy (becouse we certainly its a deep floor within the music) so if you could send us a copy of that instruments that would be staggering. Thank You
Hello! I recently discovered D:BH and I must say, one of the most impressive features of the game is the sound design and how each soundtrack helps create and narrate the characters’ stories in ways the dialogue simply cannot.
Upon searching for sheet music I came across your website, and was wondering if you would be able to send the C Flute and Piano music in my direction.
Best regards from NY.
Hello Philip! I honestly love Kara’s theme, its so beautiful to listen to. The music just flows with emotion, just like all of your other amazing pieces of work. Currently, I’m really liking your album Moon Machines with my recent favorite song of the album being Mechanical Spiders. Definitely interesting and intriguing to listen to! Can I please have the sheet music for violin and piano? Thank you for being such a amazing composer!
Hi, I thought your compositions were absolutely moving. May I request a Violin copy?
Can I have the sheet music for piano?
thank you
Thank you for your titanic work! I very love all Kara themes! Can I have sheet music of piano?
Hey! Could you send me the sheet music for the cello. Thank you! Great job on your newest releases btw.
I loves the game and i loves this theme, is so… beautiful. ,
Please, Could i get this sheet music for violin and guitar?, thanks :3
Note: Sorry for the mistakes, this is not my first language.
Hi! I love Karas main theme! May I get a copy of the sheet music please? 🙂
would love to have a copy for the piano to give it a shot, thanks 😀
Hi, if it’s not too much, could I get the sheet music for flute, guitar, cello and piano?
Thanks a lot!
Hi! This soundtrack has completely blown me away, I think you’ve managed to do what I enjoy most about music: convey emotion. Each character is reflected so well in their music that you can identify them just by listening. I would love to give it a try myself with the piano music.
Congrats on making beautiful music!
I love the theme of Kara throughout the entire game and I think it’s the best!
Could I can a sheet music copy for violin please?
Oh my I’m sorry about that I accidently pressed the enter button. But anyway, Kara’s theme was so beautiful and so emotional. It truly captured her picture. If it would be possible, may I have the flute part for Kara’s theme? That would be wonderful! Your music is outstanding and I am looking forward to more of your projects
-Potato aka Ayiana the person who pressed the enter button by accident
Hi Phillip! I listened to your version of “Kara’s Theme” and I can only say that it’s amazing. That being said, may I have a copy of “Kara’s Theme” for Cello? Thanks in advance!
Hi! I haven’t gotten around to playing the game yet but from what I’ve heard so far, the music is amazing! Makes me wonder how intense the story is.
I’d love a copy of the sheets for piano, violin, guitar, and flute (i love instruments haha). Thanks!
Hi Philip, can i have the piano version? Great job btw
Hi, Philip!
I greatly enjoyed the soundtrack! Would you be willing to send me a PDF of the sheet music for piano? 🙂
Tanis Nikana
I absolutely adore your work on Detroit: become human soundtrack, and was wondering if I can get a violin copy of Kara’s theme. Thanks a bunch! I can’t wait to work on this piece!
I would love to try my hand at learning this, could I have a copy of the Violin sheet music?
Hello Philip! I absolutely adore the way you play “Kara’s Theme” it blows me away and it would be amazing if you could send me the sheet music for the violin. Thank you and stay awesome!
Hey Philip!
I absolutely adore all the work you’ve done. Could I possibly receive a copy of the sheet music for violin please? Thank you so much!
Bravo, Mr. Sheppard! Absolutely inspired work. Kara’s theme is easily the most emotionally impactful piece of the game for me. I’m a pianist, so if you wouldn’t mind the piano score would be greatly appreciated! 🙂
Thank you again for everything you’ve given us.
Hello! The soundtrack for this game has easily become one of my favorites! Could I please have a copy for cello? Thank you for your amazing work!
Thank you for creating this BEAUTIFUL music! I looking forward to your new project!
I’m playing on the violin, so I’ll be thankful if you send me notes for violin version)
Would love to get my hands on a copy of this absolutely beautiful cello part!
Hello. I absolutely love Kara’s theme. It has such a nice ring to it. If i could get a flute copy, that would be wonderful! Thank you.
Hi Phillip! I found the game through Jacksepticeye, which led to me finding the soundtrack! I use it while I work and write and I absolutely adore the cello solos throughout it! It would be awesome if I could have the sheet music for the cello part so I can play it myself. Keep up the great work!
I absolutely LOVED Detroit, and the score stood out to me so much. Having different composers for each of the main characters is so cool, and Kara’s music is beautiful. Congratulations on the success of the game and thank you for such a lovely score. If I could get the sheet music for piano, that would be great!
Hello! I love the emotion in this piece, it’s just so amazing and moving! Would you mind sending sheet music for the cello? Thank you!
The soundtrack surely is one of the many things that make the game outstanding, and “Kara’s Theme” is the best part for met. That’s why i would love to have a copy of the sheet music for violin. I also have friends with guitar and percussion, so any possible combinations would be great too.
Detroit absolutely blew me away and the music was a huge part of that. I would love to be able to play this score on piano!
I’d like please a copy of “Kara’so theme” for violin and cello ? It’s the best music that I’be ever heard, and I’ll be so glad to play it with my violin or my cello. Thank you !!!
Sorry for the mistakes, that are just because of my phone…
Any chance of getting the piano music? I absolutely love Kara’s soundtrack and you are without a doubt a genius composer.
I really love your Kara Theme! Can you send me a copy for violin? 😀 Thank you so much, keep the great work!
It’s amazing to be able to have the sheet for this beautiful song ! I would love to get it for the piano solo please. And thank you so much for bringing all this emotion while playing and listening to all of the songs of Detroit
Nicolas Fimbel
Can you send me the piano sheet please ? It would be an extreme pleasure to play Kara’s theme on the piano ! I love what you have done for this beautiful game. Thank you for bringing so many emotions in it.
I would like the sheet for piano and cello please!
I would love to receive the piano and cello sheet music for this song. I immediately fell in love when I heard the cello in the piece, since I am a cellist (and pianist) myself.
Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone!
Hello Philip!
The soundtrack for this game has easily become one of my favorites! Could I please have a copy for violin? Thank you for your amazing work!
Oh my goodness! I was so excited when the soundtrack finally came out that I listened to Kara’s Theme for HOURS! Could I please get the sheet music for violin when you get the chance?
I enjoyed playing Detroit Become Human very much and i have to say: Kara’s Theme is a masterpiece. Great Work!
Would you mind emailing me a copy of the sheet music for the piano?
Thank you in advance.
May I please have the piano sheet music for Kara’s main theme, it’s my favorite out of the 3.
I absolutely loved this piece! It was so beautiful and I’d love to learn to play it. Could I get a copy for a piano and a violin? Thank you so much!
Hey!! Super excited to finally be playing the music! Kara was my favorite from the game! I would like the Cello Sheet music if possible! Thanks!
Sorry! forgot to tell you that I wanted it on the cello! still really excited to play the music! Sorry about the last post! You are a musical genius and I am going to Fully enjoy playing the music!
Mr Sheppard,
The music for Kara is absolutely beautiful and I would love a copy of the music for piano! Thank you so much for sharing it.
Hello! I recently played Detroit: Become Human and the music was absolutely perfect. Would you mind sending me the music sheet for both violin and piano? Thank you so much!!
I would love a copy of this for piano please.
A beautiful piece that I look forward to attempting to play.
I absolutely love Kara’s theme and want to play it so badly, could I have it for violin please? Thank you!!!
Kara’s Theme makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. This is one of the greatest pieces I’ve ever heard! Would you mind sending me a copy of the music sheet for piano?
Thank you.
Could I have the flute music please??? I love the game and the soundtrack so much 🙂
Hey, Im also super interested in this sheet music! Please email me the pdf! Much appreciated 🙂
Kara’s theme is absolutely beautiful! Could I get a copy for cello,please? Thank you!
Hi there, i’d love to play the soundtrack on the Piano 🙂
Hi, i’d love to play this on the piano 🙂
I loved your work on Detroit: Become Human! Kara’s theme makes me tear up every time, it’s so heartfelt….
Could you please send me the piano sheet music? Thanks so much!
Heyo! I have watched the Detroit: Become Human – Behind The Music and Kara’s Theme – The Music of Detroit Become Human on Youtube.
Philip Sheppard, you are quite an inspiration to me! Because of you, I started to pick up Cello so I can play the song. I really love to play Kara’s Theme on cello and violin. Haha, I have a background on violin too!
May I know if I can have a copy of the musical scores for both of it? I want to play it with my friends so maybe to have a mini performance for an upcoming concert 🙂
I want to play this on the piano
Hey, thank you for what you did! Kara’s theme makes me cry every time i listen to it. You did a really great job!!!! So could i get a guitar version?
Hello! I absolutely love Kara’s theme, I listen to it almost everyday. I love the orchestration, and how it directly correlates in-game. I would appreciate a pdf file of a flute, violin, and piano part. Thank you so much!
Kara’s theme makes me feel so many feelings… I love this song, and please I want the score of this song for Cello. It’s certainly my favourite song of the whole game.
Thank you so much Mr Sheppard for this beautiful music.
Absolutely loved the game- your soundtrack for Kara was absolutely amazing and gives me chills every time. Can I have a copy for piano, please? Thank you so much!
This looks amazing! I’ve fallen in love with Detroit: Become Human’s soundtrack and it’d be cool to be able to play Kara’s theme 😮 I was initially looking for Connor’s theme but I stumbled upon this instead. Music for the violin and clarinet would be great! (separately or together or both)
Many thanks in advance!
I absolutely love Kara’s album! I listen to it almost everyday. As a musician, I love everything about the orchestration and how it connects with the game.Wish to get a violin, flute, and piano parts. Thank you in advance!
Hello, can I have the sheet music for the Piano and Violin! I really enjoyed listening to the soundtrack of Detroit (especially Kara’s theme)
I love Kara and her theme music! Could you send me a piano score please?
Hey Mr.Sheppard!!! I’m a huge fan of your influencal musical pieces in Detroit Become Human for Kara. I would absolutely appreciate a copy of them for the violin and cello. Thank you in advance, and keep up the awesome work!
Hey Mr.Sheppard! I’m a huge fan of your influencal musical pieces in Detroit Become Human for Kara. I would absolutely appreciate a copy of them for the violin and cello. Thank you in advance, and keep up the awesome work!
Hi! Kara’s theme is definitely one of my favorites from the D:BH soundtrack and I’ve been attempting to figure it out for myself for ages now. I’d love to have the piano sheet music if you’d be so kind as to send it!
Hi! I literally fell in love with Kara’s song after playing the game a second time through. I’d love the violin score if possible. Thank you so much!
I’m a huge fan of your work (particularly on Detroit: Become Human!). I really appreciate your taking the time to share the sheet music of Kara’s Theme with fans around the world! If possible, could I get a copy of the sheet music for piano? I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you and I look forward to seeing your work in the future!
I fell in love with Kara’s theme instantly! Could I please have a copy of Kara’s theme for violin?
The music for kara’s story is wonderful.
I would like the violin sheet please. Thanks Philip
Hi, is there any sheets for Kara’s main theme for a solo piano player? I would love to play this amazing piece on the piano!
If a solo is not available, can I get sheets for some of the main instruments of this score, so I can come up with a solo myself? I will not publish them in anyway and will ONLY link this page to people who want it as well.
I’d like to play this song on the violin.
I love Detroit, and the music help all the game to become a real artwork!
I play the piano, and I want to learn all the theme, just to have always with me a little part of the game that changed my mind, and a bit of my heart!
Could I receive them??
Hello! I absolutely love Kara’s theme, it’s such a beautiful piece. Could I get a copy of the sheet music for violin please?
Hi! I’m looking for the sheet for the piano. Thank you 🙂
Hi Mr. Sheppard,
This is truly a beautiful piece of music, full of emotion. It fits in with the game extremely well. I’m sure I’m not the first person to say this, but the emotions conveyed by this piece truly do make Kara much more human.
I would love a copy of the music for piano.
Many thanks,
Hello there! I just bought and finished the game and I can’t stop thinking about the music.
I play the violin and I’m eager to play the sheet.
Thank you! 🙂
Hello, thank you very much for making such a great soundtrack! Can I have the sheet music for piano? Also, do you have double bass solo version of it? If there’s double bass solo version I would want one of it too 😀
Again, thank you very much!
Hello, can I have a piano solo and a double solo(If it exist XD) version of the sheet? Thank you very much!!
Hi Philip!! I am a HUGE fan of this game and my favorite character and theme is Kara. I absolutely love the music that you have made for Kara. Could i get the piece for the cello?
Hi Phillip!
Could I have the sheet music for Kara’s main theme on piano and violine? Thanks in advance!
Hi Mr. Sheppard!
I’m absolutely in love with the entire soundtrack, but Kara’s theme is definitely my favorite. Could I get the sheet music for the cello and violin please?
thank you so much!
Hello! I am in love with your music! Would I be able to get a copy of the Detroit: Become Human sheet music for piano?
Thanks Philip!
Hello! I was wondering if I could get the Detroit: Become Human sheet music for piano? Thank you so much!
Cello please!
I’ve never had a soundtrack catch my heart quite like this one did, it’s so beautiful my words can barely describe how much I love it, I also know this is very late to ask but I would very much appreciate it if you could spare some of your time to make me string quartet and viola solo copies! Thank you for such a masterpiece!
Could I please get a copy for violin? Thank you so much 🙂
Hi! Could I get a pdf of the violin sheet please?
Hello Philip, I love Detroit Become Human and it’s soundtrack is simply perfect!
Can I please have a copy for violin and clarinet pleasee?
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards, Hugo
I found this amazing piece on youtube, and I’m really excited to be plating this! Can I please get one for Cello and piano? Thank you so much!
Hi Philip!!! I absolutely adore the soundtrack for Detroit and I’d love to have a copy for the Bb Clarinet!! Thank you so much for the work you’ve put into this game and the soundtrack I now listen to non-stop.
With Thanks-
I love the music you composed for Detroit. Well done! I’ve recommended it to several of my soundtrack-loving friends :).
Could I have the sheet music for piano and violin?
What a great piece Phillip! I really loved the buildup with the violins. I would like to request a piano and a violin sheet if you can. Keep up the great work!
I don’t know how many of these you personally read, but I want to rant about how ingenious I think your scores for Kara are.
The use of all these different instruments and the main focus on affection really brung everything together and I really liked the focus on strings because Kara’s story is based off this tension to protect someone she loves, and her existence is like a string instrument itself. To use a simple viola as an example, a viola was made to be used by someone else, unable to make its own music. Its sound comes from it, but meant for another. But once that viola is seen as alive by something, suddenly the music is only for itself. The strings, taut, vibrate subtly as the bow runs across it, the shivering of Kara’s heart as this little girl, Alice, wraps her arms around her. The true yearning to love and be loved from your tracks really got me emotional and I felt an attachment to the characters that I probably wouldn’t have had without the music.
Now, with that said, I’m wondering if it’s possible to get all the sheet music for every instrument? If so, then please send all. If not, then simply piano and violin/guitar will be enough 🙂
Thank you, sir, for your amazing contribution to the game!
Dear Jasmine – yes! I read every one of these and they mean a huge amount to me. I love how you’ve thought about the nature of instruments and I’m so grateful you’ve taken the time to write so eloquently! Yes – we will send you all the sheet music as soon as possible. Would love to see what you do with it… best wishes and thanks again Philip
Kara’s theme always manages to bring me to tears no matter the circumstance. I’m not sure if its the story behind the song or the pure notes themselves but either way it is beautiful! (teenage guys can still cry to good music too!) Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to play this myself and i would LOVE the sheets for the violin please.
Thank you again!
Hi! I love your work on Kara’s theme; it really captures the emotion and character of Kara. Could I have the piano sheets for the theme? Thank you!
My go to website to find sheet music is MuseScore and I was quite disappointed when I discovered that no one had posted any flute sheet music for Detroit: Become Human. I have to thank you! Before finding your website, I was so tempted to just convert the piano notes, so you honestly saved me quite a bit of trouble! I request a copy of the flute sheet music for Kara’s Theme. Thank you again!
May I have the sheet music for piano? I loved it.
Hello there!
What an amazing Sound!
We played the game and sticked to its Soundtracks. It felt like an emotional rollercoaster, doubting the decissions made never that often before! We hate and love that game at the same time.
Is it possible to get a copy for piano and pedal harp? Solo and for both instruments together?
Thank you in advance!
Hello there!
What an amazing Sound!
We played the game and sticked to its Soundtracks. It felt like an emotional rollercoaster, doubting the decissions made never that often before! We hate and love that game at the same time.
Is it possible to get a copy for piano and pedal harp? Solo and for both instruments together?
Thank you in advance!
Hello, Philip!
I just want to say that your soundtrack is absolutely fantastic! I felt in love with this and have been listening it on repeat for 2 last weeks, just can’t get it out of my head. Could I please have the music sheets for piano? That would be wonderful. Thank you a lot for this amazing work!
Dear Mr. Philips Shepard
I am a student of a music academy in China.
After playing “Detroit: Become Human”, I was deeply fascinated by the story and soundtrack!
I really want to recommend “Kara’s Theme” to the orchestra conductor and play “Kara’s Theme” at our welcome concert in September.
If you agree, I hope to get the fullscore and part score of “Kara’s Theme”.
And after,I really want play the cello score of “Kara’s Theme”, the version of the loopstation on youtube!
thank you very much for your music!
Looking forward to your reply in the email!
Hi ! First of all you are an amazing musician. Your compositions are amazing. Especially Kara’s Theme. I get so emotinal every single time I listen to it. You did a great job. May I get a copy of Kara’ s Theme for piano please ?
Hello, congratulation for this really nice music ! You added a lot to the game by spreading a lot of different feeling in it!
If you don’t mind to send me the musical sheet for the violin,I would enjoy to try to play it by myself.
Such music are inspiring, keep going and Merci !
Hello Philip! I’ve commented previously to request a copy of Kara’s Theme Sheet Music for the flute, and wasn’t sure if it went through due to a network problems I was experiencing at that moment. Apologies if I already commented! I just wanted to ensure it got through.
I think your work for Detroit: Become Human is fantastic, and I really love all of the soundtracks. I’m interested in playing Kara’s Theme on violin, may I ask for a copy? Thank you.
I’d love to have the sheet music for Piano, please!!
Hey I would love to get the sheets for solo piano to give it a try. I really appreciate your hard work Phillip.
Many thanks
Any chance I could get the piano version of the sheet music? This score is absolutely gorgeous.
Hey there! I was really amazing when I first heard this soundtrack in the game and immediately thought if I could try and find sheet music to try and play this for my orchestra director or just for fun. Unfortunately at that time I couldn’t find anything but now I found this and I’m really excited to see if I could get a copy of the sheet music!
With that out of the way I was wondering if I could get cello and guitar sheet music, both separate if possible, if not then just the cello.
Thank you for amazing work with the soundtrack hope to see more from you in the future!
Hey Philip! I just recently found out about your works and I’m ASTONISHED! I’m a total band nerd and I just love the pieces you’ve put together! My audition is coming up and I’d love to play this song, and I feel like I’d totally kill it if I played something as beautiful as Kara’s theme. I’m playing a clarinet for the audition, so please send me that version. Also, if you have made an oboe version for this song it would nice to have that too :)) Thank you!
Hey! Love your work! The soundtracks really make the game so much better than it already was. Can I get a copy of piano sheet music of Kara’s theme please? Thanks.
Hello Philip! I love the music and was wondering if I could please please get the sheet music for piano?
Thank you!
Absolutely adore this sound track and would like to learn to play it myself! May I have sheet music for viola? Thanks 🙂
Dear Mr. Sheppard,
First, I’d like to thank you for all the music you made for Kara, they’re simply amazing! Me and a friend of mine became such a big fans, and partly because of her pushing I finally gathered the courage to post a comment and ask for a Violin sheet of Kara’s theme. I only started playing the violin a year ago, but I’d like to try and learn this piece for my next exam!
violin please i really want this
Hey! Can I get a copy for piano please?
Hello there!
I really enjoyed the Soundtrack. It is one of my favourites in this game.
Listening to the music it felt like being in a middle of an adventure! And it’s very emotional and intense too.
Is it possible to get a copy for the piano?
I really love the soundtrack. May I please get a copy for the piano. Thank you so much!
God I love this game and the soundtrack! Could I get a copy of the cello and piano parts for this! Thank you so much and you did an amazing job!
Hi Phil! I’m a fan of your work! I was wondering if I could have a copy of this piece in particular? I play the flute and I’d be thrilled to play it sometime!
I really enjoyed Detroit: Become Human. I listen to Kara’s main theme a lot. i was hoping if i can get a violin sheet music for it. Thank you.
Hey there! I really liked Kara’s themes in the game. Could you send me the sheet music for violin and clarinet, separately? Thank you so much!
Hey Philip. Oreally admire your work. You are an amazing musician and a composer.
I wanted to if you can send me a pdf copy of Kara’s Main Theme. I’ll be very glad. Thanks.
Mr Sheppard, I love Kara’s theme, so much emotion in your music for this character! This makes me want to learn to play the piano, can I have a copy of the score of Kara’s theme for the piano please?
Thank you for your music. Incredible work. It would be great If I get a copy for the piano and guitar. Thank you so much! All the best to you.
Violin + piano please! Thank you!
Wow, Philip, your music is beautiful! I hope you can send me the sheet music for violin. Thanks!
hi, I’d really appreciate it if you could send me an email with the sheet music for piano, please 🙂
This is lit btw. Can i please get it for violin, piano and guitar please? Thank you
Thanks for this great music, it fascinates me every time so much that I want to cry. I would like to receive sheet music for piano!
Your music is great, it causes very strong emotions. Could you send me sheet music for piano?
Hi! I am a brazilian player of the piano and cello. I love this music! Thanks for your help!
This is a gorgeous piece of music! Would you mind sending the sheet music for flute, violin and piano? If that’s alright.
I fell in love with this game through the score. It really is wonderful music. Love to learn this music on the cello. Thank you!
i can’t waittttttt your music is awesome can you send me sheet music for piano thank you
I love her theme, can i get it for piano please?
Hello! I very much appreciate the time you’ve spent to create such an amazing soundtrack alongside a brilliant game. If it’s still available, I would like a copy of the sheet music for the piano. Thank you for all you’ve done!
I am in love with this piece! So much in love that I have selected it as my Senior Piece for my High School orchestra to play at the end of my year!!! I really love the way Kara is portrayed as a friend and a motherly figure. Alice deals with the same background as I and I can not relate to this enough! The piece I want is Kara’s Theme but transcribed to a String Ensemble group which consists of a Bass, Cello, Viola ( Can you also transcribe the solo to Viola please!!), Violin 1 + 2.
I cannot thank you enough! This piece truly inspires me to do the impossible and to fight for my dreams!
Can I get sheet music for solo cello please?
Solo piano too! And if possible a combination of cello and piano for a duet?
Thanks so much!
great job. Could you give me a copy of the notes for piano
great job. Could you give me a copy of the notes for piano?
great job. Could you give me a copy of the notes for piano
I’m a big fan of your work!
May I please have the sheet music for violin.
Thank you
I adore your theme for Kara. It is gorgeous, moving, and just a stunning piece of work. I play the piano, and I’d love a copy! My email is
– Becca/deviantbec96
Hello, may I have the sheet music for all instruments please? I love the soundtrack and I’d like to have my friends and I play this.
I am absolutely in love with Kara’s soundtrack! It’s so pretty and amazing and I listen to it all the time. If I could get copies of the cello, violin and flute that would be amazing!
Hello! Thank you so much for providing this sheet music online. I absolutely loved Kara’s theme!! Could I have a score of it on piano? Once again, thanks!
This is pretty dope. Been listening to this song in particular for a while and having piano sheet music would be great. If you’re still sending them out, I’d love a copy, thanks!
Kara’s theme is so lyrical and moving; I’d love to learn how to play it. Could I get a copy of the cello version, please? Thanks!
Hey I really enjoyed the game and your work and could you send me the sheets for Piano and Tenor sax if not the sax I can transposr it thanks!
Dear Philip,
This game is one of the most breathtaking and immersive pieces of media I have ever seen, and a lot of it is thanks to your music. The Kara soundtrack was definitely my favourite, I loved it so much that I’m going to be writing a paper on it, and how the music develops throughout the game. It would be a lot of help if you sent me the full sheet music for Kara’s Main Theme.
Thank you so much – my infinite admiration,
I’m not exactly sure if my last comment posted (if it did– whoops), but would you mind sending sheet music for the flute, piano and violin? This piece is really beautiful by the way (just thought I’d mention that), and, out of curiosity, how long did it take to compose?
Cello please!!
Hi Phillip, I really like your music. I was wondering if you could send me Kara’s Theme for the viola?
Hi , I really love your music very much, words can’t even describe it. Could you send me a sheet music for flute.
Hi! I’m a huge fan of Kara’s soundtrack and I’ve been playing the flute and violin for a couple years. I would love to learn her theme!
Hi! I’d absolutely love sheet music for the piano! In love with the music from detroit!!
Can I have the piano script for “Little one”? Many thanks!
Hey, thank you so much for providing the music sheets. Is it possible to have a copy for cello and piano?
Hi! I’ve been listening to Kara’s theme almost non-stop! I would be super happy if I could play it on the piano! Is it still possible to receive the piano sheet music for it?
Many thanks in advance! 🙂
Hello Philip, I absolutely love your work in this game. Kara’s theme is one of my all time favourite songs. Could you please send the sheet music for violin? Thank you!
Hello phillipe can i have kara main theme piano please thanks!!!
Hi! I am absolutely in love with Kara’s theme, can I get the sheet music for the violin and piano? Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Philip! I think my last comment wasn’t posted. I absolutely loved your work for this game. Kara’s theme is my favourite song from the whole soundtrack. Could you please send me the sheet music for violin? Thank you!
Hi! I’d love the sheet music for Kara’s theme on piano please! Thank you so much.
Hey! I’m not sure if my first comment posted, so I’ll try again! I’ve been playing flute and violin for many years and, as of recently, piano. I would love to learn how to play Kara’s theme on them! Especially violin.
Hi, could I get the sheet music for piano? Thanks for being so open with it. Loved the game so much, and love the music!
I Love the game , Could you please send me the sheet music for violin? Thank you!
Hello there!, I absolutely love your work on Kara’s Soundtrack, there are so much emotion in it =),
I would like to get a copy of the sheet music for Kara’s Main theme on Violin and Piano. Thank you very much!!!
Dear Mr. Sheppard! Your “Kara Main Theme” is truly amazing music! I listen to it every night and I really would like to have sheets for piano. Thank you!
Thank you so much, every body don’t sell his own music sheets to the others. I will take a look at this one and see if I buy one or two others.
Your music is awesome !
Can I have sheet music for Cello? I really want to learn this! 🙂
Hello!! I am simply amazed at the fact that this exists, it’s not often that I get to find sheet music of modern songs without having to pay for it. If you could, I would love to have a copy of the sheet music for Violin and Cello. Thank you for taking your time to do this and have a nice day! =)
Hi! Would love the Flute and Violin parts! (separately if you can) I absolutely love the soundtrack of this game <3 Excited to learn how to play this piece in my free time 🙂
Hello! May I please receive the sheet music for the violin?
Your work is amazing!
Hi! Could I please have the sheet music for piano? Thanks in advance 🙂
This is absolutely beautiful! May I have piano sheets please?
Please,can I get music sheets for piano? Thank you so much !!!
Hi I love all your work you did for this game, I was wondering if I could have violin and trombone parts for this music. Thanks
Hey, i would be realy happy, if i could get guitar notes for this song! Thanks <3
I’d love a copy of the sheet music for the cello please. This soundtrack has inspired me to start up cello again after I’d lost my passion for it but Kara’s theme in particular made me want to start again.
Thank you, Mr. Sheppard, for this AMAZING soundtrack for Kara! I’d like to have the sheet music for piano.
Hi Mr. Sheppard,
I’d love the sheet music for the cello. Kara’s theme has really rekindled my passion for playing the cello and the beauty of the cello itself. Thank you!
This so cool, I’d love a copy for Violin, Piano and Cello, Thank you so much!
Hi! Love your Kara compositions! Could I have the arrangements for flute, violin, and piano?
Hey! Kara’s theme is absolutely beautiful. I’d love to get sheet music for the violin!
I would absolutely love to have this sheet music for the violin, it is extraordinary.
Hey, I was wondering if you’re still emailing the sheet music for Kara’s theme? I’m a cellist, and I’d love to be able to play the piece!
Hello there! I absolutely love the work on Kara’s Soundtrack and I would feel honored if I was able to play it myself. If it’s not too much would I be able to get a copy of the Violin and Cello parts? Thank you for your time, have a nice day!
I really love your music! It is so fascinating!! I’m super exicted to learn it, would love to have a copy.
I appreciate your openness.
Thank you!
I really enjoyed listening to the music you have created and playing the game as well. If possible, I’d appreciate it if you could send me all of the parts except for guitar. As well, as more parts come out, I would love to get them as well!
I play the viola and I’d love to play this
Hi! I really like it ! May you give me the music sheet for piano and for violin ? Regards
Could get a copy of the sheet music for the piano? Would the pdf be of the entire theme or just “Little One”?
Thank you!
Hi! I’m amazed by this song, congratulations, it really touches our hearts and give chills, as much as the game does.
I Would like to receive a copy for violin, of “Kara’s theme song”, thank you so much!
I really loved the music you composed for the game, it made it so much more immersive and emotional! I put the soundtrack on these days when I can’t sleep. Can I get the sheets for piano? Thank you so much!! Can’t wait to see what else you’ll do 🙂
The game is amazing and I loved the soundtrack. One of the best things about the game!
May I please receive the sheet music for the Violin?
Thank you!
I really enjoyed the music from the game as well as playing through myself. I would appreciate it if you could send me all of the parts available except for guitar. I would also love to receive any new sheet music as it comes out. I play viola myself so if there were a viola part that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
hello ! kara main theme is my absolute favorite. thank you for creating such masterpiece. i really want to learn this song on the piano. could you send me the piano sheet please ? thanks 🙂
Hi. Thanks so much for the music sheets.
Can I please have the sheets for Kara main theme and Little One in Piano please.
Thanks again.
Hi. I really like your music . Can I please have Kara theme and Little One Piano Sheets so I can learn to play it. Thanks very much for your amazing work.
I loved the game, and to be honest, I thought Kara’s music was better than Markus’s and Connor’s. I want to try and learn Not Just A Machine and Dark Night, if you could make a PDF copy of those pieces for violin for me, I would really appreciate it, Thanks!
I love your work on Detroit: Become Human, I listen to the soundtrack when I go to sleep actually , anyways, could you send a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Violin, Thanks!
Hello! I hope it’s not too late but I would love to have the sheet music for the piano and violin! Kara’s theme is my favorite since it’s such a beautiful piece! Thank you very much!
If I could get the sheet music for cello, that would be spectacular.
I absolutely love the soundtrack.
OST for Detroit Becom Human is really amazing. I was listening to it today from Google Music.
I’d really love to learn Kara theme song on Piano.
Thank you so much and keep making amazing music
Hello Mr. Sheppard,
As a film scoring student at Berklee College of Music, I loved hearing all you had to share about your wonderful compositions for “Detroit”. I’d greatly appreciate a copies of the score for guitar and piano. Thank you!
Collin Lewis
Hello! Kara’s main theme is my favorite music of the game and I can’t stop listening to it over and over again! I would be very happy if I could play it on violin, so could you send me a music sheet for violin please? Thanks!
Hello! I’m absoutely in love with Kara’s main theme and I can’t stop listening to it over and over again! It just fits her exactly as it was meant to and I would be very happy if I could play it on violin and piano, so could you send me a violin and piano sheet please? Thanks!
Hello! I absolutely love the Detroit become human soundtrack, this being one of my favorite pieces.
Could I receive the cello version of the sheet music?
Thank you so much. I’m sure this will be a joy to play.
Hi, Mr Sheppard! I really love the soundtrack you composed for Kara (especially the main theme)! Every time I listen to it I get the happy tingles HAHA May I have the pdf sheet music for the violin? Thank you!
I really like the theme, it is really enjoyable to listen to whenever. Could I have it for a Violin part? Thank you!
Hello! I’d love to learn to play “Kara’s main theme”. Could you please send me the piano sheet? 🙂
Hello! I would love to learn to play “Kara’s main theme” on the piano. Could you please send me the piano music sheet? Thanks in advance! 🙂
Just amazing piece of music. Sadly i didn’t play the game yet: i don’t have ps4 for now, but i just love the music 🙂 Surprising how many good things i have found just because i stumbled upon their scores and loved the music 😀
If i am not too late, can you please send me violin and piano sheet music? Thank you!
Hi, please may I have the cello sheet music for Kara’s main theme? Amazing piece.
Hello Philip,
I loved the soundtrack. May I have the violin sheet music for “Kara’s Theme”?
Thank you
Hey Philip!
I simply love the theme you wrote for Kara and as I’m a student of the cello I would love to (eventually, haha) be able to play the beautiful music you wrote. Could I please have the sheet music for the cello, and if possible also for the guitar and piano so someone can eventually accompany me when playing :). Thanks!
Hello! I really love this music and I really want to play it! Can I please have the music sheet for piano, violin, and guitar?
Thank you in advance!
Hello! I would like the sheet music for the cello.
Thank you.
Dear Mr. Sheppard,
I absolutely love the game, so much that I’ve played through dozens of times! However, no matter how many times I play through, I always enjoy Kara’s story the most. With the familial story really pulling on the heart strings, the cello shines absolutely perfectly during each and every somber, yet heartfelt solos. Being a cellist myself (because it’s the best instrument of course), I would love the part to that but I am also part of a quintet who would absolutely love to play the piece, so if I could get the piano, Violin 1, Violin 2, and Viola parts as well that would be amazing!
Hello Philip,
Couldn’t help but to fell in love with Kara’s theme as a cellist myself! May I have the sheets for cello so I can have fun with this? Again, amazing job on the soundtrack!
Hey there ! Could I get the sheet for flute and piano ? My friend and me are really excited to play this in a duo ! Thanks in advance ! Antoine
I’d love the sheets for piano please.
I think it’d deserve an award. I wonder why there are none whereas the film industry has tons of them.
I really enjoyed the game but i loved the Music even more. I´d like the Sheets for Piano please.
Thank you for giving them away for free!
Hi can i have the music sheets for violin?
hey Philip! I’m a huge fan of your music for Detroit Become Human and I’d love to learn how to play it on the guitar.
Simply astounding composition you put together for Kara. Thank you for the beautiful music! May I receive the sheet music for violin, piano, and guitar?
Hi could I have this awesome piece for violin and piano please!
Hi Philip!
I was hoping I could get the sheet music to Kara’s theme on piano.
Thank you!
Hello! I love this song so much that I saved it on my phone and listen to it when every time I am taking a bus.
It would be so nice if I can have the sheets for piano and play it!
Hello! 🙂 could I please have the piano sheet music (if it’s not too late??) I love Kara’s theme so much I want to start playing piano again just to play it haha! Thanks for the wonderful brilliant evocative music!!
I love the soundtrack for kara and i would love to play it. Could I please get the sheet music for the violin. Thanks in advance and keep up the amazing work!
I love the soundtrack for kara and i would love to play it. Could I please get the sheet music for the violin. Thanks in advance and keep up the amazing work.
i’d like to play such a touching theme on the piano
Hi there, really am a big fan of the whole soundtrack of D:BH!!! can’t wait to hear more of your work (and hopefully learn how to play it).
Could I get a piano score for Kara’s Theme? THANK UUUU
This is so great! May I please have sheet music for both violin and piano? Thank you so much!
Hi there, really am a big fan of the whole soundtrack of D:BH!!! can’t wait to hear more of your work (and hopefully learn how to play it).
Could I get a piano score for Kara’s Theme? THANK UUUU
The entire score for this game is absolutely amazing! I would love to learn this for the piano, could I please get the piano sheet music for this song? Thank you so much for all your hard work and doing this for us, its wonderful!
Hi Phillip ! You did a phenomenal job scoring the music for Kara’s story line! fell in love with Kara’s theme immediately! Could I please have the sheet music for violin? 🙂
Hi! Can I have a piano sheet please? I fell in love with what you’ve done for Kara the first time I heard it <3 the music's so emotional I still get tears in the eyes.
Hello! I don’t know if this offer is still open but I’d love the sheet music on the violin!
I would love a pdf of Kara’s Theme for piano, I absolutely LOVE this soundtrack! Thank you!
Can you send me the sheet music for the cello piece?
Hello! I would love to get the sheet music for flute and piano (separate) if possible. I absolutely adore this piece, very well done! Thanks!
Hello, Philip!
I really like this music and i was hoping I could get the sheet music to Kara’s theme on violin.
Thank you!
I’d love to have the sheet music for cello! I am so in love with this theme, it’s such an amazing piece of music 😀
I’d love to have the sheet music for cello! I am so in love with this theme, it’s such an amazing piece of music 😀
I would like to play the violin to Kara’s theme.
I just stumbled over this website and am amazed that you are giving us acces to your great music! I would love to play Kara’s theme on the cello so could you send me the score for cello and also for piano please?
Hello Philip, I am in love with the Kara theme and would love to be able to learn it on the piano! Is it possible to get the shhet music?
Thanks <3
Can you guys send me any copies of the MIDI files for the soundtrack. If not just piano and violin sheet music plus any percussion would be awesome.
I would have the sheets for violin please
Hi,i really like Detroid and i can play the piano.
Could you please email me the piano version?
PS: sorry if i made any grammar mistakes, i am not english /:
I’m late to the game, but could I get the sheet music for piano? The music is gorgeous and I would be so happy to be able to play it. Thanks!
I’m late to the game, but could I get the piano sheet music? The music is amazing and the game itself is stunning. The combo of the two is STUNNING. I would be so happy to be able to play the pieces.
Hello! May I please have a copy of Kara’s Theme for piano? Thank you! Have a nice day!
Hey Philip,
First off, I just want to say that I absolutely love the soundtrack for Kara in Detroit – as a young student that is really into composition and music, it’s really inspiring! On that note, I’d love it if I could get a copy of the sheet music for piano, please! Also, I was wondering if you had any tips for getting into composition for games and film, as I’d love to do it myself one day. Thanks!
Can I please get the piano sheet music?
I love this part so much, I’d like to receive the piano sheet music! Hopefully one day I’ll be able to play it myself then. Hopefully.
Hey Philip,
First off, I just want to say that I absolutely love the soundtrack for Kara in Detroit – as a young student that is really into composition and music, it’s really inspiring! On that note, I’d love it if I could get a copy of the sheet music for piano, please! Also, I was wondering if you had any tips for getting into composition for games and film, as I’d love to do it myself one day. Thanks!
I feel as if the comments I posted haven’t gone through. can I get the sheet music for piano?
Hi there! I’ve just finished up the game and have been constantly humming the theme wherever I go. I would like the pdf for cello and piano. I’m excited to play! Thanks
Could I have Kara’s sheet music for violin and piano?
Hello, Mr. Sheppard!
Kara’s theme is definitely my favorite. I’m super psyched this is even a thing! I would really appreciate the sheet music for piano, flute, and if at all possible a mallet instrument. Thank you so much!
– Shelby
I would love to have the sheet music for flute.
Hi! I am absolutely in love with Detroit Become Human (and its soundtrack of course) and would love to have Kara’s sheet music for the guitar. Thank you!
Hi Philip! Of the three main themes I loved Kara’s theme the most, though all of them are beautifully scored. I would like to have the sheets for Kara’s theme on the piano, I want to pick up playing the piano after I quit classical to do more music production, but I need a good song as a motivator so here we are!
I hope to see more of your work in future projects 🙂
request: sheets for piano 🙂
This is definitely one of my favorite tracks in the game. It’s so beautiful and makes me emotional just listening to it. Could you please send me the piano sheet music for it?
Hi! I’ve been humming Kara’s theme for a long time and it would be really cool to play the music! I would like the cello part! Thank you so much!
Hi! Love your work and it’s great you’re so open about sharing it with others. Could I please have the Cello arrangement? Thanks!
Hi Philip! I loved the soundtrack so much! Kara’s theme is by far my favorite soundtrack from the whole game!!
Could I get the sheet music for Cello please?
Keep up the amazing work!
Hi! Could I have the Kara’s theme sheet music for piano please? Thanks so much 😀
Hey there! I’d love to have Kara’s theme on flute and piano please.
I love this game and all I want to do is play this on my cello
I love your work that you did for the game! Can i have the sheet music for Kara’s theme for the piano and violin? Thanks!
I love the way the piece intimate sounds. Please send me the sheet music so I can play it on my keyboard, thank-you so much. Sincerely ~Korah
Hello, Philip!
I really adore your music. Could you please email me the violin version?
Thank you so much for doing this!
hi I would like the piano version please
can I have sheet music for the violin and piano (separate please), thank you!
also I really love this song, great job 🙂
Nice of you to offer this, thanks! Do you happen to have piano sheets for the opening titles of the game? Not sure what it’s called?
Hey Philip,
I felt in love with this track I hear it all the time when I come back from school. And I would love it if I could play it myself. Can you send me the sheet?
Hi ,
Can i habe the sheet for piano
Hello. May I have the pdf violin sheet music for Kara’s Theme?
Can you send me Kara’s sheet for violin??
I would really appreciate <3.
I would love any of the songs for viola, please!
Hi! Would it be possible to get this as a PDF for Viola? I love this piece so much!!!
Hi I’m new to the series, but me and my friend would like a copy of music for an oboe/flute, and french horn at least, but possibly a trumpet if it’s in there.
Hello! Ever since I heard Kara’s Theme, I’ve been dying to play it on my violin. Could I have a PDF for the violin, please? Thank you a lot in advance!
can i get sheet music for both violin and piano separate please? i really love kara’s theme and i cant wait to play it!
I would like the sheet music for the violin. Thanks!
Yo so even after I’ve finished this game I find myself coming back to it again and again and again. Would be lit to have the sheet music for trumpet as the soundtrack is one of the greatest parts of the game for a musician like me. Thanks dude
Man I really love your work on this Kara theme. It’s really touching and emotional. Please send me a copy of the sheet if you don’t mind. Thanks a lot
Man I really love your work on this Kara theme. It’s really touching and emotional. Please send me a copy of the piano sheet if you don’t mind. Thanks a lot
Hi there, Mr Sheppard.
This has to be one of, if not my favourite game instrumental themes I’ve ever heard and would love to get a copy of the flute sheet music as well as piano.
Many thanks.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Philip I just finished the game and started searching for Kara’s soundtrack sheets. Can you send the violin ones please. Thank you and appreciate your music, you gave us lots of emotions.
I’m excited to play Kara’s theme! May I have the flute sheet music for it?
Hiii!! I would really like the cello part !!
Hello! I would love to have sheet music for flute! 🙂
I love this theme.!!!And all Kara‘s music are very beautiful! Could I get a piano version please?
Hi there!
I’ve been living in a state of constat hexalation since I’ve listened to DBH’s soundtrack, and I don’t know if I should praise or curse you.
Could you send me the pdf of little one for piano so I can get it out of my system and start functionning normally?
Also, I was wondering; is there a project of publishing a full set of scores for piano including all the songs from the game ?
I would definitely buy it.
Thanks again for your beautiful work!
Hello there,I was a big fan of Detroit: Become Human and a big fan of Quantic Dream in general. I would really love to learn this piece!
This piece is very melodic and overall a masterpiece, I really want this piece. thank you so much
Sorry, I would like the sheet for piano
Hi, I would like a copy of the sheet music for piano please!
I look forward to playing it!!
Hello! I can’t find my earlier comment saying the same thing but I’d love to get my hands on sheet music for flute please.
I would also love a copy of Kara’s theme for violin! I can’t wait to start learning it.
Hi there! I absolutely adore Kara’s theme! I haven’t been able to get it out of my head! I would love to play this beautiful piece. Could I have the pdf of the viola sheet music, if that is available? Thank you so much in advance!
Can I get a full orchestra part for Kara’s OST Theme!!!
Please and Thank you!! :DD
I would love “Kara’s Theme” as piano music, please!
Also, are you planning on releasing sheet music for “Little One”?
I would love to have a copy for the piano and the cello, so i can play together with my friend. Thanks!
I would absolutely love violin sheet music, as well as a violin and piano duet if thats possible for kara and the little one, thank you so much, absolutely lovely music
Hello! I love the soundtracks so much! especially By Firelight! May I get the music sheets for the violin please!
Dear Philip Sheppard, first I’m gonna say thank you for sharing the music sheets for free to us. I really appreciate that.
I would like to get a copy of “Kara’s theme – Not Just A Machine” for violin, cello, & piano. I’m really interested to learn that song in many instrument!
Thank you 🙂
Hello Mr. Sheppard!
I really love your work on the game, Kara’s theme is my favorite by far, and I’ve tried to learn the track titled “Little One” myself, but that’s not as good as the original. I’d be soo thankful if I could get the piano and the guitar sheets separately. Thank you so so so much.
Love the game and the music! If it’s still possible to get the Piano Sheet Music that would be awesome!
Hey! I would like the sheet music for the violin, cello, and piano please. It sounds great!
Hey Phillip, amazing work on all your amazing music, loved every second of the amazing soundtrack to Detroit: Become Human, I feel the soundtrack is by far the most amazing thing of the entire game. If it would be possible, could I please have copy of Kara’s Main Theme, if not, do not worry.
Many thanks,
Sorry forgot to say, could I have it for piano please. Thank you!
Hi there! I have a piano student who loves Detroit Become Human and wants to play a version of Kara’s theme for solo piano. Could you send me a copy of the piano arrangement? I would be so grateful!
hi! could I get the sheet music for cello? I’d love to play it!
Hello, is it possible to get the sheet music for the piano. Thanks
Hey Philip,
outstanding job with this soundtrack! I would greatly appreciate it if you can send me the sheet music for piano and guitar.
Could i get the sheet music for Kara’s theme on piano? It stood out to me so nicely and i find it lovely to listen to, thanks!
Hey Philip,
this is the most beautiful piece i have heard in a while. I would be happy, if you could send me the piano sheet, please!
Thank you
Hello Phillip, absolutely wonderful work and I love this so much. May I please have the sheet music for piano? Thanks!
I discovered this from ‘The Art of the Score’. Love your work! Could I please have a piano version?
Hello, love this!
Is it possible to get this for a flute choir? Picc, Flute 1 and 2, alto flute and bass flute?
Could sound interesting!
Thanks 🙂
I have been looking for these sheets for a long time, can you send me the violin and violin and piano ones?
Hello can I get notes Kara main them for the violin?
Can you please send me the piano sheet music? Thank you!
I thoroughly enjoyed Detroit: Become Human, and thought the music was perfectly matched! Kara’s theme in particular was one of my favorites (as was Fly on Foot, and Zlatko).
Could I get a copy of Kara’s theme for both violin and piano?
Thank you for all of your amazing work!
Hi Mr. Sheppard !
Your music is amazing! I really love the Kara’s theme! Is it still possible to have a copy of the cello sheet music of kara’s theme ? Would love to practice and play this beautiful song!
I’d love the violin music!! I already received it but it got lost T-T another link would be fabulous 😀
Could I have a copy with as many instruments as possible? I plan on reorchestrating it to play it with my friends, and we are 8 people.
A piano score would be enough, but anything that shows the voices, so I don’t have to listen for them all would be nice 🙂
Hello.can I get notes for the violin
Could I please get the sheet music for Kara’s theme for piano and violin. Thank you in advance and sorry if I’m a bit late.
Hi Phillip!
I recently have been listening to your amazing work on the DETROIT sound track and the second I saw this post I was excited to see you had my favorite track on my primary instrument; that being the clarinet~
If I’m not too late I would personally love a copy of this music on clarinet to learn and play because it is astounding and to be able to preform it would be even more amazing.
Thank you in advance!
(And I’m personally excited to listen to some of you other works. I think it’s amazing you’re so open to people who enjoy your music!)
Could I please get the sheet music for Kara’s Theme for the piano and violin.
Thanks in advance and sorry if I’m late.
Hey! Please can I have a copy of the Detroit: become human sheet music for violin please? Thankyou! 🙂
I would very much like some sheet music for this, because I plan on reorchestrating the score, so I can play it with my friends. So sheet music as close to the original score as possible would be awesome, and with as many instruments as possible, so I don’t miss anything.
If that is not possible, a piano and cello score would be OK.
I love your music!
Hello, first of all I would like to thank youfor sharing this amazing content. I am really happy that I can play Kara’s theme after absolutely loving it during all the game through, Please, I would like a pdf for violin, thank you very much!
Hi, I just finished the game and this is by far my favorite song in the soundtrack. Could I get a pdf for cello? Thank you!
Could I please get the Kara’s theme sheet music for the violin and piano?
Thanks in advance and I loved the music.
I think my previous comment hadn’t go through, could you please send my a pdf for violin? I was in love with Kara’s theme during all the game through and I am so excited I can play it thanks to your kindness. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
Hello Philip!
I challenged my friend to play “Kara’s theme” on her cello and she can’t really do it without a score. I was wondering if you would be able to send me a violin and cello version please?
Hi, I’d love the music for Cello and Piano this piece is nothing but gorgeous and I’d love to play it. Thanks!
Hello I’d love a cello and violin version if possible.
Hi, I’d really like to have the sheet music for piano, please. Thanks a lot!!
Could I please have the sheets for Piano, please?
Thank you! 🙂
Hi Mr. Sheppard, May I please have the pdf for cello? The music is just absolutely gorgeous and I’d love to be able to play it on my instrument. Thank you very much!
Hi,I was wondering if I could receive the Detroit: Become Human sheet music for piano!
Thanks 🙂
Oh my goodness! I’m so excited to be able to play this it’s sooooo pretty. Can I have this as a cello solo please?
Thank you so much!
Hello! If it wouldn’t be a bother, could I have the sheet music for violin and piano?
Could I get a piano copy please?
Hi Mr Sheppard, could I please have the violin sheet music for Kara’s theme? Love your work, and thank you so much in advance!
Hi, I’d like the sheet music to Kara’s theme. I play the piano.
Hi! I love the soundtrack you created for Detroit: Become Human. My orchestra peers were wondering if we could have the sheet music for the cello, violin, and piano? We are very excited to, hopefully, play this at our next performance! Thank you!
Hi I would love to play Kara ‘s theme in piano. Also it would be cool if you could cello arrangement . My sister plays cello and it would be cool to play a duet
Hi! If it’s not too much of a bother, could you please send me the piano music sheet? I’d love to play this song on piano!
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I would like parts for all instruments available. Thank you!
I really enjoyed Detroit: Become Human. I listen to Kara’s main theme a lot. I was hoping i can get a violin and piano sheet music for it? thank you.
Could I please have a sheet music of “Little One” for piano? I felt absolutely in love with this piece!
Thank you very much!
Wow! This theme is so evocative, I’d love to get a cello and violin version!
Hello Philip. Fantastic work. Can I have the Piano arrangement that the character Markus plays in the game?
Hi Philip, I really like the amazing piece you composed! I would like to have the piano, guitar, and cello pieces if its possible. Thx!
I really like the soundtrack for detroit become human could I get kara’s theme for violin
Hi Philip, really enjoyed your compositions for Kara. Cant get the theme out of my head that’s how much I enjoyed it! Could I please have the sheet music for Cello and Piano if able. Thanks!
Piano and Violin
Thank you for this beautiful song and this GrEaT opportunity ^~^
I fell in Love with the soundtrack of the whole game!
I would definitely buy a whole collection of sheets in a book!
Please keep up the good work!
I would love to play this on piano (solo) and maybe as a project with my brother (Violin + Piano duo). In would be so happy if you could send be both versions,
Hey there! I’d love to get the Piano x Violin sheet for this beautiful Song, so my brother and me can show off at our music school concert 😀
And while you’re on it, send me the sheet for piano only please, too <3
Can’t wait to play it~~~
Can you email the piano and cello sheet music?
This theme is so amazing and touchable , I really enjoy it, so i would like the pdf for piano and guitar. Thanks)
Wonderful,i really need the sheets music for piano, thanks a lot!!!!
please send me any Detroit: Become Human sheet music for violin, piano, or saxophone!
I really like this music and I am also playing cello right now, I want play this piece, can I have Kara’s sheet music for cello, thanks!
Hey Phillip! I’ve wanted to play this song since I started playing Detroit: Become Human. It was an incredible song. I would like the violin version of the song please. Thank you.
Hello, I love this soundtrack so much. Do you have one for saxophon? If not , can I have the one for Piano?
I would like to ask full score for Kara’s Theme for my personal study. Thank you very much.
Hi there! I’d love to learn how to play this on piano – can you please send the sheet music my way? 🙂
I would like the sheet music for the cello, violin and piano please. Kara’s theme is my favorite theme of the game, it’s filled with emotion
Hello, I loved the work you did on Kara’s soundtrack! Could you please send me the sheet music for cello? Thank you so much.
Hi, I would like to get sheet music for the piano, please. Thank you very much!
I loved watching a playthrough of Detroit Become Human and really saw the detail and quality of your team’s work and the effect it can have in creating an atmosphere. Even just seeing simple sheet music for Markus’s Hopeful showed me that such powerful emotion could be created from such a simple, yet beautiful piece.
Anyways, I loved this soundtrack so much and I want to learn it on the piano. Could you send some sheet music my way?
Thank you
I’d love to get the sheets for this! I am already learning the games main theme and this will add nicely to it!
I would love the sheet music for violin, piano, and cello. And I know it is not listed, but do you have a bass part? Out of the whole Detroit Become Human Soundtrack, Kara’s songs were always my favorite.
Hi! I absolutely love Kara’s theme, and I’d love to get the sheet music for piano and cello (my best friend plays the cello, and I got her to listen to the song as well and she loves it!)
Hi! I’m a big fan of Detroit: Become Human music and I would love to learn to play Kara’s main theme on piano. It would be amazing to get the piano sheet for it x
Hello ! I would like the violin version of the song please.
Thanks !
Hi! I really love this piece! It is truly magnificent. I’d like the cello part. Thank you very much and again, this piece is absolutely amazing.
Hi, I would really like Karas Theme for cello sheet music please, it’s just such a beautiful piece!
Good evening God of Detroit! Can i have violin sheet for Kara theme?
Hi! I would love to get a copy of this for piano. Thank you!
I really love Kara’s theme and I’m piano student and I want to be able to play this theme on the piano. Is i possible to send me the sheet music for piano solo?
Thanks you for your amazing job!
I’d love to have the piano sheet,
I fell in love for your compositions of Detroit become human, it will be a month I listen only these musics…
Thanks for your work.
Hello! Loved the music. Could I get the sheets for cello?
Hey Phillip! I’ve wanted to play this song since I started playing Detroit: Become Human. It was an incredible song. I would like the violin version of the song please. Thank you.
Hi! Could I have the clarinet sheet music? Thank you so much!
Heyo! I really like your music for this game and I would appreciate a copy of a violin part as well as a piano part! Thank you!
Heyo! I really like your music for this game and I would appreciate a copy of a violin part as well as a piano part! Thank you!
: )
Hello, I teach piano and one of my students introduced me to your music. We would love to get a copy of the sheet music for piano. Many thanks.
Hey! I’d love to have the sheet music for violin 🙂
Hi, I’d love to have the sheet music for piano! Thank you!
I’m very excited to learn to play this on my own. I’d love a copy for violin if you have any left.
~Thank you!
Hi! I really love the Kara theme and I would like to learn it for my self! Could I have the sheet music for piano and violin? Thank you! You did an amazing job with the whole soundtrack for Detroit
Hey! I’d love to have the piano sheet music for this amazing song. You’ve done a fantastic job at composing this beautiful piece and I’d love to play it. Thank you.
Hello! Kara’s theme was by far my favorite out of the three. If possible I’d like to get a copy of the sheet music for the clarinet and attempt to learn it myself, thank you!
Hello there! I would like the cello and cello & piano sheet. By the way, your music is just brilliant! I love Kara’s theme, it’s one of my favourite pieces in game.)
Could you please send me karas theme for the violin and little one for the piano? Thanks!
I absolutely adore the DBH soundtrack I would love to learn it on the violin. Please send the PDF if possible.
hello philip,
Can I have the sheet music for violin?
Hi philip,
I like your work very much.
Can you send me the sheet for violin only?
Hello! I would love to have Kara’s theme for piano. Love the whole soundtrack!!
I would like this sheet music for the piano.
Hi Mr Sheppard,
I loved playing Detroit and have been listening to all the characters’ themes over the past few weeks. I can’t listen to Kara’s without tearing up; the emotion in it is so raw and it is an absolutely gorgeous piece. Thank you so much for composing something so beautiful for Detroit.
If still possible I would love to get my hands on the flute and piano sheet music for Kara’s theme, in the hope that I’ll be able to find someone to accompany me on piano when I get to uni – until then I better work on getting the flute part perfect!
Thanks again,
Hello Phillip!
I really loved the game but I think that the game wouldn’t have been as amazing as it is without your music. I think the theme you created for Kara and her story made me feel a lot more than it would have without the beautful soundtrack you made. Love your work and keep it up!
Also if it’s not too much of a trouble could I get Kara’s theme for violin please?
Hi 😀 can I please have the sheet music for violin and if possible the tabs for guitar (it’s okay if there are no tabs available, because I found a cover version) This piece is so powerful, and i think its the main reason my anxiety went high every time Kara’s story came back. Still, its so beautiful >_<
I am so excited to play the Kara main theme! is it possible to get all strings copy and for piano? i really wonder what instruments are used in Kara main theme?
hello, i would love to have [Violin 1&2, viola, cello and double bass] for Kara main theme for my school concert. the music is so beautiful and i really want to show the whole school of it! Thank you for this opportunity!
Hi Phillip
We would love to play Little One (Kara) on piano and cello.
Thank you!
Violin, viola, cello, and string bass, then viola separately
I would like the sheet music for the flute, thanks!
Hello Mr.Sheppard, I would love to have the piano sheet music of this! I feel in love with the theme as soon as I heard it and I would love to use it for my performance task at school! Thank you!
Could I have Euphonium/Trombone/Baritone
I absolutely love this piece and would love to learn it. Could I have the sheet music for the piano and the violin?
Again, I love the soundtrack for Kara so much! Thank you again!
I absolutely love this piece so I would love to learn it. Could I have the sheet music for the piano and the violin?
Again, I love the soundtrack for Kara so much! Thank you again!
Hey! I love this song you’ve made. I heard the song on youtube being played on the cello and wanted the sheet music for the viola. Thanks!
I was wondering if there’s a viola sheet music for this. If so, could I have the sheet music? 🙂
Piano please, I like kara’s theme very much
Wrong email
Piano for kara’s Theme please
Piano for kara’s Theme please
May I please have a violin and piano copy of the sheet music? I’ve had this song stuck in my head for the longest time and every time I listen to it, it gives me chills, haha. It sounds like there’s so much life and emotion through the song. When I heard this game from a youtuber from a video (a video simply named ‘Kara – Heavy Rain’s Dev Trailer’), I was stoked and excited to see the final result of the game. I waited and checked to see when the game would be released. I watched all the trailers and I absolutely loved how each song seems to tell a story portraying so many different emotions. The songs represent the characters really well and are fitting for each character. These music pieces inspired me to pick up my violin again and give it another shot. If there’s some day where a music book of the soundtrack is being sold, I’d definitely buy it!
Thank you so much for the music and for reading through my comment. ^^
This song is so cool! It mixes beauty and action into one amazing piece. Could I trouble you for a cello part for this song? I want to play it for an ensemble contest if i can convince some other cellists to join me. Thank you for your time.
Hi! I really love Kara’s music, and would love a copy of the sheet music for piano. Thank you!
I love this theme! It is amazing:D Can I please have sheet music for piano and flute? I want to practice my piano playing it:)
I’d love to have the sheet music for Kara’s theme for violin. Kara is my favorite character, and her theme is breathtaking. Thanks a lot!
I’d love to have the sheet music for Kara’s theme on the violin. Kara is my favorite character and her theme is breathtaking. Thanks a lot!
Hello! Why did I only just find the website now? I’d love to play the soundtrack properly on my cello!
Thank you so much in advance!
Thank you for making your sheet music available!! Could I have a piano and a violin one? <3 <3
Wow. Kara’s Theme has blown me away, and as a cello player I’d love to have a crack at it! Its such a moving piece! Could I please have the sheet music to try out? 🙂 Thanks, your work is amazing.
Kara’s music was my favorite from the game. I would love if I could have the violin sheet music. Thank you for your time.
Hi! Loved your music in Detroit! When possible, could you share the sheet music for piano? Thanks a ton!
I was wondering if i could get the cello sheet music for this. I played the video game and fell in love with Karas theme.
Hi! I’m Grant! I love your game and your composing style, and I would like to have any piece from Detroit on either flute or piccolo! I play both, so it’s your choice.
Hello! I absolutely love the music for Kara’s Soundtrack! I would love to play it on the piano if possible! Thank you!
I’d love to have this music for piano! Love Kara’s soundtrack so much!
Hi Philip,
The piece is haunting and beautiful so I am trying to play it on piano.
Would you please send me the sheet music for piano as well. Thankyou.
hi! could I please have the piano sheet music so i can learn it? Also it is a beautiful piece and well done on transcribing it that way
Hello, I think that your work for this soundtrack was beautiful and really captured Kara’s character. Could I have the sheet music for violin? Thank You!!
I sent the wrong email but I would love to have this for the violin
Hello Philip congrats for this amazing work
I would like Detroit: Become Human sheets music for violin, piano, guitar and cello.
Thanks a lot!
Hello, is this offering still available?
Well, I’m still learning piano myself and the “Little One” seems not difficult, but I noticed that some arrangement is not possible for piano solo or maybe my hand is not big enough (or I missed something by learning it). Anyway, could you send a solo piano version sheet of “Little One (Kara)”?
BTW nice music and nice game.
Can I please have the sheet music for piano? I really enjoyed playing this game and the music was definitely the cherry on top.
Hey Philip. I love this beautiful piece of artwork you created and I was wondering if I could have the music for Piano, Violin and guitar. I was also hoping you could make a wonderful tenor saxophone part. it would be amazing if you could. And I truly love this game.
I added another request but I hope it isn’t too much to handle, I was hoping you could make a special arrangement for my grade 9 band so that we can perform it, It’s a beautiful piece but I’m thinking it might be too difficult for my school band to play. I got to Horton High school and I would love to have a score for my band teacher, she is nice and I want to give her this beautiful piece of music to see if I can make her proud with my music skills. If you can do this for me it would be amazing. I truly love this piece of music, the first time I heard it I fell in love with it, so if this happens it will be the best year of my life.
thanks, Philip
from your biggest fan
Hi! I absolutely love the game and this song, I would appreciate it if the violin sheet music could be sent to me! Thanks 🙂
Hello! I would like the sheet music for cello, please.
Hi! Can I please send me the viola, violin, piano, and cello music sheets for Kara’s Main Theme? Thank you!!
I absolutely love the music, it’s so beautiful to listen to if it alright I’d like to have the sheet music for violin and flute if possible, thanks you so much!
I absolutely love the music, it’s so beautiful to listen to if its okay id like the sheet music for violin and flute if possible, thank you much!
I would like one copy for my piano.
Thank you for awesome music!
I would very much appreciate the sheet music for violin and viola.
Hello, I really enjoy listening to this piece, it fits so well with Kara’s story and it is written so well, I was wondering if I’m able to get the sheet music for violin? It would mean so much to me to be able to play a piece like this, thank you so much!
Just found out that the sheet music for this beatiful piece of music is available after seeing you performing on Twitch (great job btw). I’d love to have a copy of the piano version.
You re-ignited my love for big strings! Thank you for the inspiration.
Hello,Can I get notes by violin ?
Hey sorry if you see this twice.I don’t think it went through the first time but can you send me the flute part?I want to do this for an audition piece for a few months from now.
Please reply at your latsest convenience.
Dear Mr. Sheppard, thank you for the opportunity to get this amazing soundtrack!
Could You send me the parts for cello and piano?
Thanks in advance, and congratulations on an amazing work!
I have played Detroit Becoming Human many times as-well as the sound tracks and enjoyed them immensely.
Could I please have the sheet music for piano and thanks.
Hey can I get the sheet on flute please.
I also REALLY loved the song. Thank you.
I absolutely loved watching you on twitch and your performance still gives me goosebumps (the positive kind)! I’d love to get the sheet music for piano, that would be incredibly awesome 😀 I’m just gonna assume you don’t have a version transcribed for the hurdy gurdy, but if you do, I’d love that, too 😉 (and I’d be even more amazed)
Hi, Philip.
Im totally fascinated with your music for “Detroit”.
You did and excellent job and I have to say that your spitfire videos really inspired me to continue composing.
If it’s possible I would like to have the sheet music for solo piano, and solo cello (or actually the most similar score to the original piece). I would like to play the piece on the piano but at the same time im interested in the way it’s composed.
Hi, so awesome that you make the sheet music available for everyone! I’d love to get the piano score. Thank you very much.
Hi, I’d like the sheet music for the violin, please.
Could I have the sheet music for flute? Love your work
Hi !!
I love Detroit: Become Human and Little One is my favorite song!
I would love it if you could send me the sheet music for piano
Thank you so much !!
I would really like to receive sheet music for violin. Thanks!
Hello! Would you be so kind to send me the sheet music for piano? I am eager to play it as soon as possible!
Could you possibly transcribe it for solo viola? There’s hardly any sheet music for violas out there, and D:BH has some of the best strings arrangements I’ve heard in any video game.
Thank you!!!
Or could you possibly write it for piano and viola duet? I definitely don’t want to leave out the amazing background sound and rhythm.
Thanks again!
Hello Mr Phillip. I would like the copy of the violin sheet music . And I just wanna tell that I am really impressed by your music. It’s beautiful.
Hey! Can I please have the piano for this emailed? I really like the song and well, Detroit: Become Human in general, despite not being able to play it as I don’t have a PS4. I’d love to be able to play it. Thanks!
hi could I please get the sheet music for cello
Philip could you please give me the notes for cello
Hello Philip, can I have a copy of the sheet music for the piano please? Thank you!
Could I get the sheet music for solo piano, as well as violin with piano accompaniment? Thank you so much!
Hello, Can I please get the sheet music for cello? I would really like to play it.
Hello from Yale University! Can I have the sheet music for piano and violin (separately if possible) thank you so much!!!
I would like to ask for the guitar, violin and piano music sheets of Kara’s theme. Thank you very much 🙂
Hi, my friend and I really fell in love this music and we wanted to play it on our cello and double bass. If you could send a copy of cello and double bass that would be great! Thanks!
Hi. If you are still offering I would love to have a score for the piano and flute.
Hi I’m in love with your music! Would you mind sending any sheet music for the cello?
Hello!!! I would like to have the sheet music for violin and I can’t to wait to play it… Thanks.
Hello!!! I would love to have sheet music for violin, I can’t wait to play it.. Thanks.
Hi, can you send me the sheet music for harp?
I find the music beautiful, and I think it sounds marvelous to the harp.
Thank you in advance,
best regards,
Hi, could i have the sheet music for violin and piano please?
Hello! I would love a copy of the violin sheet music, if the offer is still available. Thank you!
Kara’s theme is one of the most beautiful melodies that I’ve heard in games.
When I heard it for the first time in the game I immediately tried to play it on piano.
I’d be very grateful to got sheets for piano♥♡♥
Thank you for availability to get official notes!
This is my favorite orchestral soundtrack I’ve ever heard, may I please have some sheet music for cello?
Hi. Can I please get the music for piano and clarinet? Thank you so much.
Hello, if it is possible to get a marimba arrangement, I would love one! Piano also works, thanks!
Hello! I’d love a copy of Kara’s Theme sheet music for the cello! Thank you!
Kara’s Theme cello sheet music, please! Thank you!
Hello, I’ve been wanting to get a small ensemble together to play this song. Could I please have the piano, violin, and cello parts to this? Amazing work.
I would love to have the piano sheets for this—I’m actually planning to play it on harp, but piano music should work! Thank you so much for this captivating, heart wrenching music!
Hello, may I have the sheet music for violin, cello and piano? I am learning violin as part of a local children’s symphony and would love to learn how to play Kara’s main theme. Thank you!
Hello! I loved it!
Can I get the music for cello and piano?
From the Kara’s Theme – The Music of Detroit Become Human
Thank you very much!
I would like the sheet music for piano.
Thank you for this great work!
I would love the flute, violin, cello, and piano sheet music. This was an awesome find! Love all of the DBH soundtrack, great job!
Hi, this piece is amazing! Can I please get the violin and piano version?
Very good music. My eldest son 12. He is delighted. Since he is studying at a music school, he was fascinated by the idea of playing this melody on his piano
I absolutely loved your soundtrack for Kara and would love a copy in viola and piano. Please and thank you so much <3
Hello Mr. Sheppard!
Could I please have a copy of Kara’s Theme for the cello? It’s my favorite song from Detroit and I was so thrilled to finally find the original sheet music available! Thank you so much!
Can I get the sheet music for
Can I get the sheet music by piano .
I’m Adnan and I’m one of your fans, I’ve sended 2 comments about the sheet music but you didn’t send it too
Well can you
I like your music. It makes amazing atmosphere !
I’d like to have the sheet music for Detroit for flute, guitar, violin, cello and piano.
Спасибо вам большое!*
(Thank you!*)
I’m ready to play kara’s Theme on piano
I would like to play Kara main theme on piano
Love the music you did for Detroit Become Human. Could I get the sheet music for piano and guitar if possible? Thank you
Hello! I don’t know if you are still providing sheet music – considering I am many months late to the game – but if so, can I please have copies of both the violin and the piano sheet music? Thank you, so much!
The fact that you are doing this is so amazing. I was SO excited to discover that I can not only find sheet music from the composer themself, but that you are willing to share with the community!
I love this piece so much. It’s truly captivated me! I actually played this for my mom, telling her only to “think of a mother trying to run from an abusive situation with her child, and escape discrimination in the middle of what may as well be a war”. My mom nearly cried by the end. She said she could really feel those emotions come through, and that this piece did an excellent job.
All in all, I love the work you’ve done, and I want to thank you for being so generous and kind!
– Sammi Calloni
Hey, I would love to have the piano score for the song!
Hello! I would absoloutley love a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Cello! It’s my favorite song from Detroit and I’ve been wanting to play it since I first heard it!
Thank you!!
Did they send it to you
Because they didn’t send it to me ?
Hello! I’m not sure if it’s posting my comments, but I would absolutely love a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Cello! It’s my favorite song from Detriot! Thank you so much!
Hello! I’m not sure if it’s posting my comments, but I would absolutely love a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Cello! It’s my favorite song from Detriot! Thank you so much!
I want to play it on piano please
I want to play it on piano
Hello! I would absolutely LOVE to have piano AND cello sheet music for Kara’s Theme, as my sister and I are interested in learning this as possibly performing it as a duo. Thank you so much!
Hello. I love your music. I listen to Detroit: Become Human Sound Track every day. Could you please send me the sheet music for piano and violin?
I love this composition! Would it be possible to get the music sheets for piano please?
I would like a copy for the Violin, Please.
Amazing Work, keep on producing such wonderful music.
Hello,I would love a copy of Kara’s Theme for the violin.It is my favorite song .Thank you!
Hi! I would love Kara’s sheet music for all the instruments. It’s just that good of a score. Thank you so much for doing this!!
I would like the sheet of Kara’s theme for solo cello, please. Thank you in advance.
I was wondering if I could get the sheet music for both violin and piano? It would be greatly appreciated. Kara’s theme is just amazing, and I would love to play it.
Hello! I am not sure if the music sheets are still being provided but if they are still available, I would like to have one for the violin. I would really appreciate it . Thank you very much.
Hi! Can I get the sheet music for all the instruments? Thank you so much for providing this!
Dean Philip,
Thank you so much for bringing this incredible melody to everybody’s ears ! There is not a day without listening to it. I’m still a beginner in piano but I would love to get a copy of the « Little one » piano sheet to train on it!
Wishing you all the best for this new year
Greetings from France!
Hi! My brother recently got really interested in the game and he’s in love with the music. Could I get it for piano, violin, and viola, if the last instrument is a thing? He thinks the music would be great for strings.
Hi Philip, I love so much the music you did for Detroit Become Human and all your old works. Could I get the sheet music for piano please? Thank you
Hi! I recently got the game and instantly fell in love with the soundtrack! Could I please have a copy of Kara’s theme for the cello? Thank you!
Hi! I absolutely love your music and would love to play Kara’s theme. Could I have a copy for the cello?
I would like a copy of sheet music for all instruments used in the score for Kara’s Theme
I absolutely love this soundtrack! It would be amazing if I could have the piano sheet music.
Thank you so much!
Hi Philip, I love the music you did for Detroit Become Human and all your old works so much! Could I get the sheet music for piano?
Thank you.
Hello! I would like to have a piano copy of Kara’s theme, if possible! It’s one of my favorite pieces from the game, and I would love to be able to play it.
Thanks in advance, and I look forward to your next projects. <3
I absolutely love Detroit become human, and I’m a beginner violinist. I’d really appreciate if you could send me the sheet music for the violin,
Thanks, Georgia.
Hello Phillip!
I really love your music in Detroit: Become Human! It’s really epic and amazing. I would absolutely love the sheet music for Piano, VIolin and Cello, I always play along by ear, and I really love to play it properly.
Thank you very much!
Oh my.. How did I miss this?
The violin score would be so great! I’m really thinking to start learning to play music like this!
Loving the Detroit soundtrack, the best that I ever heard! 🙂
Oh! I’ve been looking for sheet music while I get back into playing mine! Could I have a copy for flute and violin please?
Hi! I really admire that you’re releasing sheet music for such a beautiful soundtrack free! I would love a copy for the piano!
Thanks for your amazing work!
Hi there I really love the game and I also love Kara’s theme and I would love to have the clarinet music sheet.
I am not sure if sheet music is still available, but I really love the music you composed for Kara’s part. It was my favorite part of the game. I would love to have the sheet music for both piano and guitar! Thank you.
Hey there. I really like Detroit Become Human, and the soundrack as well, and I also play the cello.
I would really like to have the sheet of Kara’s theme so I could play it as well.
Hi Philip! Can I get the sheet music for piano? Thanks!
is it possible to the have the music for piano and flute please?
Absolutely love the piece and can’t stop listening to it so want to try play it
Thank you
I am also a bit late to the party, but if you’re still generously willing to share the sheet music for this, I’d be ecstatic to recieve it.
I would love the sheet music for Kara’s theme, such a beautiful melody. Amazing job on the DBH soundtrack, I can’t stop listening to it!
I play the Finnish kantele, so I’d appreciate the piano sheet music, as it is the closest thing.
Thank you very much!!
Kara’s Theme and her story were by far the one that hit me the most emotionally. I’m planning on learning how to play violin and would love to have this be one of the first pieces I learn
Hello Mr. Sheppard,
Could I have a copy for the violin and the piano please?
Thank you
For the Violin please
Hey Philip, I just love the ambiance that your music gives.
I would be thrilled to get the sheet music for cello, thank you.
Hi Phillip! I finally got the chance to sit down and play through Detroit: Become Human, and absolutely loved the soundtrack that you composed. Would it be possible to get the piano and guitar sheet music please? Thanks, and keep up the amazing work!!!
Hello! I finally got some time to sit down and play through Detroit: Become Human, and absolutely loved your work on it. Would it be possible to get the piano and guitar sheet music please? Thank you so much!
Hi Mr Sheppard,
First of all thank you so much for composing this beautiful theme for Kara, and to share the sheet music out for fans to enjoy.
Could I have it for the piano and violin please? Thank you.
hey i really love the Kara’s music in dbh, may i please have a copy of the sheet music for the violin? thanks!
Hi there! Your compositions for Detroit: Become Human are so, so beautiful and I listen to them every day! By any chance could you email me the PDF of Kara’s Theme for the piano? It would be incredible to learn it. Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see what you do next!
Hi Philip may I please have the sheet music for piano? Thank you so much
Hey, I’m not sure if this is still available, but I’d love to be able to get a copy of the cello part. Thank you!
Hey, I’m not sure if this is valid anymore, but I’d love to be able to get a copy of the cello score.
Hey Philip, I´m so in love with your music and I listen to it non-stop. I would love to interpret your music on my violin. Thanks in advance.
Hello I love this music so much can I please have the piano score? cant wait to try and play it this is such a amazing piece!
Mr. Sheppard,
Hello! I’m not entirely sure if you recieved my comment but I was wondering if I can get parts for Violin 1, 2, Viola, Cello, and Bass? Sorry that’s a lot to ask, but my high school orchestra is very interested in playing it. Thank you so much!
Hello, I’ve been trying to get my high school orchestra to play this and so I thought this was the place to start. I’m not sure if you’re still doing this but if you can get me parts for violin, cello, and piano that would be great!
This is a very nice song!
Can I have the sheet music for the piano?
Hi! I’m absolutely in love with Kara’s soundtrack, and would love to have the full score for this song.
Also, I was wondering, is the song Zlatko polytonal, atonal, or something else entirely? I can’t seem to figure it out. Either way, it’s very creepy (in a good way).
Keep doing what you’re doing, man. Thank you
Hey Paul,
I loved the piece and would like to get a copy of it for violin and piano.
I really like what you do.
– Julian
Hi, i was wandering if i could get a copy for the viola.
Greeting from Korea.
I’m not sure that you are still providing this sheet. If it’s possible, can I have the sheet music for the piano?
I haven’t heard it from the game but somehow I keep going back for Kara’s theme. And so glad that I can have the sheet music from original composer.
Greeting from Kroea.
I’m not sure that you are still providing the sheet music. If it’s possible, can I have Kara’s theme for the piano? I haven’t heard the music from the game directly but somehow I keep going back playing Kara’s theme.
Thanks for your amazing job.
Hey! Your soundtracks are extraordinary! I would love to have the Violin, Cello, and Viola for Kara’s Theme (all with each separate solos and all sections combined. if possible). If there’s a Violin II, than I would like that also…
Many thanks! – Kevin
Hello! Mr Sheppard,
I love the music of Detroit Become Human und would love to get the sheet music for violin, please.
I could not find any notes for Karas theme and heard of your work.
– Julian Richter
It’s amazing that the original artist from the game actually shares his music this way. Thank You so much for connecting with your audience, your music is absolutely mind-blowing. Could I please have the scores for violin and piano? Keep up the beautiful work ❤️
I apologize for the additional comment, just wanted to ask if You could share the guitar sheets as well? Thank You for your time ❤️
Hello! I would love to play it if it is ok for you to give me all instruments’ copies.
If it is not, I want piano’s one 🙂
Hello! I played DETROIT, and now I love that and this world! Your music play an important. I love Kara’s theme too! I want to play the Kara’s theme for the piano. You may hard to read because I can speak English little, Sorry. I want to tell you that I love that music.
Thank you for you and your music!!
I really,really love the entire soundtrack for DBH.
‶Little One” is one of favorite songs.
Could I have the sheets music for guitar and piano please?
Again,Thank you very much!
Hello! I enjoy to play Detroit:Become Human. I listen to Kara’s soundtracks every day. I listen to little one in the car,I feel like I’m Kara!
I hope that I can get a piano score. I’m looking forward to play the song!
Hello! I absolutely adore Kara’s theme and I would really appreciate a copy of the violin sheet music. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I’m with Kara running from Todd’s house, escaping Zlatko’s, crossing the border, etc. It moves me in a way no other piece of music ever has. Thank you so much!
Hello from Russian Federation! Russian fans love you♡
I really want to receive and play this amazing and very emotional music. I play piano and cello too)
Thank you for your incredible work!!!
Hello Philip! I really love your creation! Could I please get the copy of the music for piano and cello separately? And I really look forward to more OST’s you will create in the future!
I would love to get the sheet music for Violin, Cello and Piano. Thank you so much!
Hello Philip, I loved your composition and your interview about creating this particular cue. I would like ask you if you could handle me a copy of the score for piano, cello, and double bass.
Thanks, and I am looking forward to your next scores.
Hi! I feel very late to this but I recently discovered the music from this game and Kara’s Theme is my absolute favorite form the soundtrack. I was hoping it would still be possible to get a copy of the sheet music for Piano and Cello (not together).
Hello, I would love to have the sheet music for piano. Kara’s theme is my favourite piece and I would really like to learn to play it.
Thank you!
Hello Philip. Have you per chance created a concert band score for Kara’s Theme? That would be super beautiful for our community concert band to play….
I Would love this piece [ as Well as the “Main Theme”, the “Little one”, and “Connor’s Theme”] for the Piano Please.
This was hands down my favorite game of 2018. [first game I’ve gotten a platinum trophy for too].
Thank You!
I would like the violin and cello pieces of this spectacular piece!
If possible, viola and double bass sheet music would also be great!
Thank you so much for your beautiful compositions!
Hello Mr. Sheppard. I really liked Kara’s theme. I would be very grateful if I received a copy of the sheet music for the piano. Best regards from Russia.
Hey Philip! I’m not sure if you’re still sending the music out, but if you are i would LOVE the sheet music for “Little One” on the Piano please. Loved the song since I first heard it and would love to learn how to play it.
Thank you!
Hi, I would very much appreciate if you could send me the piano version of the sheet music. Thank you a lot in advance!
Thank you so much for providing this sheet music. It it beautiful!
It would be great if I could get a separate pdf for both Cello and Piano
Thank you again so much!
Thank you so much for making these pieces. They truly made this game amazing!
I am so happy that you are sharing them with us too! Would I be able to request separate pdfs for Cello and piano if possible?
Thank you again so much!
I love the game and the music. I listen to Kara’s main theme a lot.
Could you send me a copy of the violin arrangement? I would be so grateful!
The music is truly mesmerizing and absolutely beautiful. Can you send the notes for violin and piano?
This song is so beautiful and the emotion of it always brings tears to my eyes. Could I have this song in piano please? Thank you!
Loved the soundtrack for D: BH! I was wondering if you were still providing sheet music for Little One/Kara’s Theme for the piano?
Thank you so much!
I appreciate your work very much, Mr. Sheppard!
I would love to have the sheet for Kara`s theme for the piano.
Thank you very much 😀
Just finished my second playthrough and I love the music, one of my favourite soundtracks, could I please get the piano and cello parts
The music of Detroit Become Human has been one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever listened to. It has brought me to tears many times, and so much emotion moves me on every listen. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to share Piano sheet music with me for some Of Kara’s music. If I am only able to order one, then the ones I most adore are “Dark Night” and “Little one”.
Hi! I’d like to have the sheet music for Piano please 🙂
Hello! Could I have Kara’s Theme sheet music for Bb clarinet please? 🙂 It’s amazing, I love it!
Hello! Could I please get the piano sheet music? Thank you so much for releasing it like this!!
Hello. This is a wonderful piece of music. may I have the music sheet for the violin? Would love to be able to play it. Thank you
Hello! 🙂 Would you be so kind to send me a copy of the piano sheet for this song? Tysm!!
I just recently saw a playthrough of Detroit: Become Human and was listening to the score on Spotify and fell in love with it. I would love to have the piano and cello part of your amazing piece. It sounds absolutely stunning.
Hello!! I was wondering if I could get this piece of music for clarinet!! Would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you, .
Hi, I want to rebuild a midi file for Detroit music, could you please help me? I may need all instrument sheets, thank you!
I’m not good at English and sorry if I interrupt you.
Dear Mr Sheppard,
I’d be grateful if I could get a copy of this amazing music for violin! I’ve been interested in this theme since I first listened to it.
Thank you so much for the opportunity, I’m so glad!
Have a great day!
Best wishes,
Hi, I am in love with the depth of emotion that Kara’s theme conveys. I am interested playing the song with a larger group of instruments. I was wondering it was possible to see a more complete score with all of the parts. If not, I’d also appreciate the individual parts of flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano. Thank you so much for this amazing composition.
Hi! This is by far my favorite theme in a game. It would really be amazing to have a copy of the Kara’s theme for the violin. Sorry i’m super late.
Hello, this is a great piece and I was curious if I could obtain a pdf of this for violin or bass clarinet.
Hello! I know it’s nearly been a year since the piece was first published, but I was wondering if you still provide sheet music? If it’s possible, I’d like to have a copy of the flute sheet music as I’d love to be able to play this beautiful piece. Many thanks!
Hello Mr. Sheppard! Sorry I’m a bit late to the whole orchestral part of the DBH games but I was wondering if you have a whole score for an orchestra to play (violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, and bass)? If there is, could you please send me a PDF through email? Thank you and I love what you have done for this game for Kara!
I’m so happy to be able to get the sheets for Cello! I have started playing the game again this week and i’m just so happy to see a main theme played by cello (as a cellist myself).
Thank you so much!
Oh my god! Finally Kara theme I really want to play it on piano
Hi i’m a bit late but could I have the sheet music for the violin. Kara’s theme is one of the best themes I have heard and I would love to learn how to play it.
I’m really glad that there’s an opportunity to ask for the sheet music of this beautiful soundtrack!
I’d be grateful if you could send me a copy of the song for the violin!
I love your music so much and I’ve alwasy wanted to play it on my instrument
I wish you good luck for your future works and I really look forward to them!
Have a nice day!
Hello ! Thank you for this offer ! Could you send me the music sheet for piano please ?
Have a nice day !
This music is so addicting! I would love to get the cello score for the song! Thank you!
Could i have it for violin and piano? Also do you have the song Keep Turning (Kara) as well? I really want to learn how to plat that on violin! It’s one of my favorites!
I would like to request for the piano sheet music of Kara’s theme piece please!
Thank you so much!
Hi! I love your compositions for Kara. I would love a copy for piano. Thank you!
Hi there! I love the music for Kara. I would really like a copy of Kara’s Main theme for Piano. Thank you!
Hi there! I love the music for Kara. I would really like a copy of Kara’s Main theme for Piano.
Thank you! 🙂
Helloooo, i know this is like a year late but may i have a violin, viola, cello and double bass copy please?
Me again, can i also get the piano sheet music? thanks love.
I’d really like to get sheet music on the violin from Kara’s theme
Hello! I am very late to this, but I was mucking about on my cello the other day and accidentally figured out the beginning riff to Kara’s theme—naturally, I decided I needed to learn the rest of it.
If you’re still providing sheet music, I’d love to have the cello version!
Thank you!
Dear Mr. Sheppard,
I absolutely love the music that you wrote for Detroit Become Human. I appreciate the work that went into crafting this music. May I have a copy of the sheet music for viola? Thank you!
Good day, if its still possible, may I please have a music sheet for the violin? Thank you very much in advance! 🙂
Hello, just finished the game, just incredible, one of the few games that emotionally really shocked me. Nice job !
I would like the Piano sheet if possible.
Thank you
Hey I’m a cellist and I’m interested in playing this is it too late for me to get a copy?
hello, I don’t know if you’re still doing this, but I lost the files when I reset my computer. Could I get a new copy of the violin sheet music? Thanks!
It’s been a minute since the game came out. But it’d be amazing if you could send me the piano sheet music.
It may sound so corny, but this song in the whole game is my favorite; it moves me to my core so much that I cry every time. It fits KARA so well. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to experience it. I play the C FLUTE, not the E flat FLUTE. Thank you!
It’s been a minute since the game came out, so I’m not expecting anything. But I’d love the piano sheet music
I love this theme!!! One of my favourite video game compositions for sure! Can I get the sheet music for piano please?
I would love to get the sheet music for piano.
Thank you very much!!
Hello! I am absolutely in love with the music you composed for DBH and think you did a marvelous job. If it’s not too late, I’d really appreciate the sheet music for guitar, violin, and piano (separately for each, although if you have a guitar and piano combination and it’s not too much trouble I’d also be very interested in that). It’s so amazing that you are being so generous and kind in sharing your sheet music with anyone who wants it; we all really appreciate it.
Hello! Thank you so much for providing the sheet music for this wonderful song!! It is a really beautiful theme and I would love a copy of the sheet music for flute, if you are still offering them. Thank you and have a great day!
I love this piece so much, even searching for online sheet music after I finished the game just weeks ago. I would love to have a piano score of the music.
Love this! I’d love music for Little One for piano, fell in love with that song the first time I heard it!
I’ve just only been able to get the game so I hope it’s not too late. All the way through playing DBH the music really was outstanding! Every single track in the music for Kara lifted the emotion of her story so much. I loved Dark night and Karas themes the most though! I would really like a copy of the sheet music for piano.
Many thanks,
Hello, I know I’m late, ive just recently found this game and the soundtrack. If you’re still doing this, would I be able to get the Cello, Piano, And Viola possibly?
I haven’t been able to stop listening to this soundtrack, it’s very wonderful and that’s an understatement. Thank you.
I would love to have a copy for violin. The music really touches my soul everytime I listen to it. Great great job you did <3
May I have the sheet music for violin? Please
I love the theme that you created for Kara. I think it is wonderful, and I listen to it often. Could I please have a copy of Kara’s theme for the clarinet and the piano? Thank you.
Hello! I would like two copies of Kara’s Theme, if that’s all right: one full orchestral and one for piano. Thank you so much!
Hello 🙂
my brother and I finished that game 2 days ago and I fell totaly in love with it.
Since i’m playing violin, I would like to ask if i could get the violin and piano sheets for this masterpiece.
Thank you very much <3
I absolutely ADORE Kara’s theme, it’s my favourite piece from the entire game. You can hear her pain, but also her strength!
I’m not sure if you’re still giving out the sheet music for this piece, but I would love to have it for piano if you do. No worries if not!
I look forward to your future work!
Hi! Is it still possible to get this sheet music for piano? Thanks!
Hi Mr. Sheppard can i have the sheet for Violin please?
Can please get the sheet music for flute? I’m absolutely in love with this game and it’s soundtrack.
This is a very beautiful piece and i would love to play it in front of my school students. If it is possible would you please send me the cello version of this music. I am thankful to you. 🙂
Hi! Fantastic work on the soundtrack; Kara’s Theme and Run With Me are among my favourites! Hoping I can have a copy of the sheet music for Kara’s Theme for piano please? Thank you for making it available!
Hi Philip! I would really love it if you could send me a copy for piano. The music you composed for “Detroit: Become Human” is beautiful and moving, and this particular song really made me want to play it.
Thank you!
Hi! I don’t know if you’re still doing this but I would love a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Cello. The music you composed for her story is absolutely amazing!
Please and Thank You!
Thanks for making the music available. Can I have a copy of the music for cello please.
Hey I. Know this is really late but could I get Karas themes for violin and piano.
Hello there, I, unfortunately, play the trumpet. I got into the hype of Detroit: Become Human really late. I love the soundtrack of the game and hope to find sheet music for trumpet so I can play it. After reading the comments I believe that you are currently my only hope. Anyways, good job on your hard work . Farewell!
Hi, if you’re still sending sheet music for Kara’s theme, I’d love a copy for Clarinet! I just played through Detroit: Become Human for the first time and Kara’s theme was the one that stuck out most to me. Simply beautiful!
Hey, I love this soundtrack and want to play it, so can I get the Cello and Piano Sheet?
Thanks, Jesse
Hey Philip! Could I have the sheet music for the Violin? The music has this haunting characteristic that I just love about it. I would love to be able to learn it for myself and see what I can do with it!
I love this soundtrack so much, and would greatly appreciate having the violin and cello themes. Thank you for your amazing work!
Hi Philip, amazing job on the soundtrack, it’s absolutely amazing! May I please have the sheets for the piano? It will be much appreciated
Hello, Philip Sheppard!
Could I please have a copy of Kara’s Theme for the clarinet?
Thank you,
Hello Philip Sheppard!
Could I please have a copy of Kara’s Theme for the clarinet?
Are you still giving out sheet music for Detroit become human if so can i get Viola violin (1 & 2) cello And bass if you have it thanks
The music for Kara’s theme inspired me so much when the game was released! I am a video game composition student, and I was wondering if I can have a copy of the original instrumentation for score studying purposes? I wouldn’t mind paying for it since it is the original and you obviously worked very hard on it! I look forward to hearing more work from you in the future!
All the best!
Hi, i would like a sheet music for Kara’s Theme. I need it for cello. Thank you very much
I would love to play Kara’s song at the piano. Could you send me the music sheet? Thanks a lot!
Hi Philip, I just finished the game and the soundtrack is beautiful. Could I please get the sheet music for piano?
Hi! Id like clarinet and violin, I absolutely love the sound track and would love to play it for a solo 🙂
Hi! Good job!
Can I also have one copy? I’m looking for pdf for two or three instruments. One of them is flute, rest can be for another instrument (but also with treble clef :> )
Thank you! <3
Hi, I’d like the sheet music for the violin please.
May I please recieve a copy of the sheets for a string quartet? (1st violin, 2nd violin, Viola, and cello)
Hello Mr Philip! It would be an honor to have a sheet copy for Piano and Cell of one of the best video games score and thank you very much for your work.
Hi Phillip!
That will be fantastic to get a copy of Kara’s Theme for the Cello! I loved the song and look forward to play it
I would love a copy of of Kara’s Theme for clarinet. The song is powerful and beautiful I really look forward to learn it and play, it is awesome. thank you!!
It would be an honor to have Cello, Piano, Violin and Guitar sheets of one of the best scores in video games history and Thank you Mr Philip.
Hey, you guys did a great job, I’d like a copy for cello. Thanks
Hi there! I’m totally a mediocre musician, but I’d love trying to play Kara’s theme in the piano, and The Little One as well, of course!
Hello! may I please get a flute copy of this piece, it would be appreciated 😀
Hello there, Philip! I love the music that you made for Kara and would love to play it! Because of this, I was hoping that you were still giving out sheet music. If you are, may I have a version for Cello only, and one for a small Orchestra?
Thank you!
Hello, if you’re still sending the music sheet PDF can you send the violin music sheet please? 😉
Thank you
Hi, Mr. Sheppard. Could I have the full score, please? Thank you in advance!
I’m very happy to be able to get the sheets for all the instruments because it’s one of my favourite soundtracks ever made and still listening to it on Spotify is a pure pleasure.
I would like a copy of « Kara theme / little one » for piano !
I love this theme and many others from Mr Sheppard.
Thank you very much for this initiative and sorry for my bad english.
hi Philip, could I have the violin and piano notes? Thanks in advance. Love your work.. Cheers
Viola Please, or violín or chelo
I love Kara’s theme & especially the excitement it has sparked in my 2nd generation flautist teenager who has loved music but not been excited about anything much in the classical (or classical adjacent) genre. I would love to have a copy of this theme for flute please. And thank you!
Hi! Could I please have the sheet music for piano? Thanks!
Hi, I absolutely love your work on this whole album as a whole. I’d really appreciate it if I could have a piano version. Thank yoU!
Hey there, I really enjoyed the soundtrack of Detroit Become Human, would definitely love a copy of Kara’s Theme for Piano, Cello and Violin, all three instruments are my favourite. Looking forward to try it out, and compare the different feelings! Thank!
Hi! Detroit has quickly become one of my favorite games both because of the stunning visuals, amazing in-depth story, and beautiful music. As a violinist, when I hear a beautiful score such as this one, I automatically want to play it. Could you send me the music for violin?
Feeling very late to the party! I guess it shows the enduring impact this music has. It is a theme I find myself coming back to.
Just wondering if I could have piano and violin parts.
Go raibh maith agat.
Thank you, Philip
I am sooo in love with your music, Kara’s theme makes me cry every time I hear it!
In case you’re still providing sheet music, would it be possible to get it for a guitar and a piano? Thank you very much:)
Hey, could I have a violin music copy?
I love this soundtrack so much, keep up the great work!
I discovered the game recently (with a lot of delay). I was struck by the beauty of the music as I played Kara.
A whirlwind of emotions overwhelmed me, I was seized by a sense of urgency, I felt a need to protect Alice, a desire to flee and stay at once.
Congratulations for making such an immersive atmosphere palpable.
If this is still possible, I would love to have the piano sheet music of the theme please.
Thank you for your wonderful work.
Hi Philip, can I have it for cello. Thank you!
Hi Philip, can I have Kara’s theme for cello. Thank you!
I absolutely love the music from this game. I’m a musician and want to improve on piano (I’m a multi-instrumentalist woodwind player), so could you please email me a piano version of ‘Little one’?
Thank you so much!
My friend just introduced me to Detroit: Become Human and I absolutely love the soundtrack!
Could I please get sheet music for piano?
Thanks in advance!
I’m completely obsessed with this song. Enough so that it was the little push i needed to start learning piano. I’m no where near good enough yet to play it, but it is my long term goal right now! It amazes me that you are giving it for free.
Thanks very much and keep up the good work!
Not sure if you are still providing sheet music but if so, can I please have copies of the piano sheet music?
Thank you, so much!
Piano please. This music is truly beautiful and has inspired me to learn
I’m late to the game, just finished Detroid and I would like to download the sheets for guitar, violin, cello and piano. I hope it’s still possible.
In any case, amazing work for the OST !
Hello Mr Sheppard,
I know it’s probably to late but i want to know if it’s still possible to get the violin sheet music of this wonderfull theme. I only recently played the game and it’s a masterpiece for me ( game and music ^^)
thank you for your amazing work
I was wondering if it would be possible to get the full score and parts to Kara’s theme. Also, is the sheet music for any of your compositions in Fall From Earth available?
Love your work!
Hi Mr. Sheppard. I’ve been such a huge fan of your music since I finished Detroit: Become Human. I was just wondering if there was any way to find any of the other sheet music for Kara, especially Fly on Foot and Song of the Lost Girl for cello, or if I could purchase it anywhere. Keep up the amazing work!